Ages 3 to 18


Byron College - The British International School Verified

2.8 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified


- Good
April 23, 2024
- Good

Primary school is nurturing. School premises very small for the number of kids annd facilities, including outside space very limited- All but the youngest children share the playgroups with much older kids. Lacks resources and quality of teaching in secondary is variable.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Good
Teachers - Good
Academics - Average
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Good
Administration - Good

↳ Reply from Byron College - The British International School

February 2025

Many thanks for your review and feedback. We agree that one of our key strengths is our nurturing community. The fact that younger and older students can mix is a positive factor for us - like an extended family where older students act as role models, and also regulate their behaviour in the presence of younger students. We are moving to a new, bigger campus this summer, which will greatly improve the facilities and resources, and also working continuously to ensure that the quality of teaching across the school is consistently engaging and appropriately challenging.

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See all the information about Byron College - The British International School

Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 2.8
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