Home > Indonesia > Bali > Marigold Community Learning
Ages 3 to 12

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Leaving qualificationN/A
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 12

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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications N/A
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 12 students / class
Maximum 17 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: Rp 81,765,758
to: Rp 147,393,000
Address: Jalan Raya Tumbakbayuh, Pererenan, Kec. Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali, Indonesia, 80351
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 42 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students

Total total student capacity at Marigold is 100 students.

Number of nationalities represented in the school

We are such an international community with approximately 25 different nationalities having been part of our community at one time or another. At any given time we have at students representing 18 different countries.

Most common nationality

Australian, Dutch, British, French

Ratio of local students to international students

7 percent

Native English speaking teachers

Marigold finds it important for native english speakers to teacher literacy skills and to be the primary form of instruction for students. As we are based in Indonesia, we find many opportunities through dedicated time and spontaneous moments to practice Indonesian speaking and writing skills.

Language support for students not fluent in English

Our teaching team offers english classes for all levels of english speakers. We have had several students come to Marigold with minimal english skills who begin to thrive upon entering our program due through planning with our team prior to enrollment for english classes and continuing upon arrival in Bali. Additionally, we use project based learning which provides contextual learning, further aiding non-english speakers to grasp language fundamentals.

Additional language classes offered by the school

All students have weekly Bahasa Indonesia classes that incorporate fun real world learning using pretend play. Examples include recreating a local market at school, envisioning a visit to a farm visit to see animals, fruits and vegetables, etc.

Max. number of students per class

Class sizes depend on room size, class dynamics, and age group. Our classes range in size from 12-17 children

Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?

Yes, each class has at minimum one full time teaching assistant. In some cases an additional floating teacher assistant is assigned to help with differentiated learning groups during literacy and math classes for certain age groups.

Use of technology in the classroom

In order to facilitate a focused learning environment, we ask that children do not bring electronics of any kind to school. Our classroom environments for children aged 3 - 6 are devoid of screens and are prepared to facilitate learning by sensorial exploration, movement, and communication. In these environments, children develop to their fullest potential by engaging fully in what the environment offers. Given that we are located on an island, some education material can be difficult to get in the form of books. For children over 6+, Screens are used in classes in group settings for educational purposes and limited to 10-15 minutes a day, 1-2 days a week maximum. For children over 7+, there is limited access to electronics for research and educational purposes, supervised by their teachers.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

The only technology inside a classroom is a television screen that can be connected to a teacher's laptop.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

Indonesia is a country represented by many cultures and religions. We do honor several holiday throughout the year that are practiced by our Christian, Hindu, Muslim members of the community. Indonesia requires public holidays for certain religious days and as such we honor these local practices. Students learn about and optionally participate in some local religious ceremonies, such as the Hindu Full Moon ceremony once a term and are often asked to wear traditional Balinese ceremony clothes on certain occasions for local customs. As we are guests in Bali, we like to honor our host country in the ways we can.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

As we do not consistently practice any religion at the school, we do not have any requirements for students to participate in anything they don't wish to. However, we find that all of our families are very interested in learning about local religious practices and are eager to participate.

External examinations or assessments available

We do not believe that learning environments should be competitive and as such we do not grade students. Teachers do make corrections and provide alternative approaches to student workbooks and other class work, however the feedback is given individually and without comparison to other students. Children are assessed by teachers throughout the school year through a number of methods.

Results in these examinations

We do not have such assessments to share as we do not collect this information collectively. Each student is assessed based on their skill levels and readiness to learn.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

We do not give excessive amounts of homework as we believe that outside of school children should have unstructured time and activities that promote learning through creativity and play. In some cases our primary school children are provided with the opportunity to do home projects, further strengthening the ties between home and school and enabling parents to participate in a child’s learning journey. We also offer optional homework to students that want it.

Approximate hours of homework given

If students are provided with home projects there are given a determined amount of time to complete it. We are also not strict with deadlines, so if a student is traveling or requests extra time we make an agreement together.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

Our final age group graduates at 12 years of age, so students continue on to high school in Bali and off island.

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

We has limited availability to support children with additional learning needs. As our classes are small and we are not designed as a special learning facility, our ability to support children is case by case and determined by our expertise and current class dynamics. We do not currently have teachers trained to support dyslexic children learning literacy.

Learning support offered

Each child with additional support needs is on a case by case basis. We will not enroll a student at our school that we cannot fully support on their learning journey with our trained teachers and staff.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

As we promote skills based learning, children who are excelling in math or literacy can be placed on a learning adventure program that enables them to work one on one with teachers for extra challenges. This program can be added as an additional fee.

Student access to education psychologist

We do not have a certified educational psychologist. We do have a full time guidance counselor who is trained in play therapy, social emotional development, conscious communication. She works closely with teachers, students, and parents to ensure that children an supported holistically during their time at Marigold. Her office is a safe space for children to express themselves and to work through the social and emotional changes that they experience at different ages.

Entry evaluation for students

Every student going through enrollment has a one week trial to ensure that we can fully support a child on their learning journey. For families outside of Bali, the first week of school serves as the trial week and enrollment would be offered after that.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Every student going through enrollment has a one week trial to ensure that we can fully support a child on their learning journey. We also ask the previous school for school reports and sometimes handwriting to math samples to determine placement for children close to our cutoff dates. In some cases a child will spend time with one of our teachers to do a casual literacy or math assessment.

Waiting list

As we are a small school, our classes to reach capacity and sometimes there are waitlists for certain age groups. We recommend starting early in the enrollment process and finalizing plans to secure a spot. We do live in an expat community, so things can sometimes change quickly for families, so even if a class is full with a waitlist, we do recommend completing a portion of the enrollment process such that if a spot does open up, we can contact you to move forward with the enrollment process.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

We don't have firm registration deadlines as we are open to enrollment throughout the year if there is availability within the intended classroom. We do however require minimum one term (3 months) of enrollment and recommend that students join in January or August for the start of each semester as classes participate in creating classroom agreements and getting to know one another.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, we are open to enrollment throughout the year if there is availability within the intended classroom.

School start time

Gates open at 8:30am to allow time for the children to play and settle at school prior to class beginning at 9am.

School finish time

Classes for children aged 3-4 finish at 2:45 or at 12:45pm if they are doing a half day. Classes for children aged 5-12 finish at 2:45pm

Supervised care before/after school

No we don not provided supervised care outside of school hours.

School bus service available

No we do not offer bus service.

School provided lunches

We outsource our lunch program and both snacks and lunches can be delivered to school daily.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

The company we outsource our lunch program to has created a special menu for Marigold and they are very willing to adjust menu items to accommodate various special requests.

Uniform required

No, they are not.

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

We offer a variety of extracurricular activities that change every 3 months throughout the year. These programs are outsourced and taught by either Marigold teachers or other trusted facilitators. Examples include: Hula Hoop, Creative Dance, Soccer, Motorbike Restoration, Guitar, Fire Spinning, Swimming, Cross Fit Kids

Sports activities included

Children participate in dedicated sports classes 1-2x a week depending on the age group. Our facilitators create fun programs that included obstacle courses, ball sports, and fitness.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

We don not have a sports team.

Facilities at the school

We are a small school and do not have dedicated spaces for these activities. Students do participate in drama as part of our regular curriculum and we since we do project based learning our classrooms can be transformed into laboratories or theaters

Sports facilities at the school

We have a large grassy area with a playground for the children to play. Additionally, we us local sports fields and basketball courts to participate in offsite sports activities throughout the year.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

We believe that play is the highest form of research, and our teachers act as companions as children discover their interests and are encouraged to collaborate with classmates to take an idea from inception to creation. We provide children with the opportunity to create, think critically, make decisions, and work through disagreements, in a supportive, relationship-driven environment.

Our whole child approach to education focuses on the growth and well being of a child’s academic, physical, and social-emotional development. Marigold’s learning methodology and curriculum are based on understanding the different phases of child development and mental readiness to take on new concepts and ideas. We celebrate the unique capabilities of each child and weave creativity into every lesson. We regard artistic activity and development of the imagination as integral to learning.

Core to our program is social emotional development with an emphasis on personal connection as a foundational building block of education. From younger years through primary, children are empowered with age appropriate methods to help them self regulate, navigate conflict, and work as a community to solve problems. We believe that nourishing a child’s sense of self enables them to lead lives of purpose and direction and to cultivate meaningful relationships.

Teaching approach of the school

Our Younger Years program focuses on developing "right brain function" through play-based learning and the mastery of fine and gross motor skills. Additionally, the program aims to cultivate social-emotional skills such as frustration tolerance, conflict resolution, and learning from mistakes. These fundamental abilities are crucial for a child's success once formal study of math and literacy begins.

Our Primary program has adapted the International Cambridge curriculum to match our philosophy of a child’s developmental readiness. Academics at Marigold are taught in fun and engaging ways, incorporating strategies that foster joy in learning through creative, critical and global thinking. Class time incorporates a variety of individual, group, and cross-age activities enabling students to learn how to effectively collaborate and problem solve together. Due to the smaller class sizes and focus on skills-based growth, educators are tuned into each child’s individual needs for progression. Educators can provide personalized and meaningful conversations and feedback with each child where necessary. By presenting class lessons as whole and then dividing a class into skills-based groups, children can receive personalized activities for mastery of objectives, permitting them to learn at their own pace.

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