Home > Thailand > Bangkok > Harrow International School Bangkok
Ages 2 to 18

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Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 2 to 18
Boarding available - Yes
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 10 students / class
Maximum 22 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Contact page:
Yearly fees: from: 589,500 ฿
to: 999,600 ฿
Address: 45 Soi Kosumruamchai 14, Kosumruamchai Rd., Sikun, Don Muang, Bangkok, 10210 Thailand
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 40 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality


Ratio of local students to international students


Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

Culminating Cambridge English Proficiency Saturday School (a morning English enrichment programme) at Harrow Bangkok focuses on the language elements necessary for academic success within and beyond school. With small class sizes,
ten weeks of intensive teaching and a strong teacher focus on individual learner needs, our programme provides each student with 30 hours of extra English teaching, practice and exposure.
The Foundation English Programme is often a student’s first-step into Harrow Bangkok for students who need language support. The aim of the Foundation English Programme is to provide a framework where we ensure students have a strong enough base in the English
language before attempting to study full-time in the mainstream classes. To provide the best support we can class sizes are small (usually between ten and fifteen) and we have a full-time Teacher assistant in the class alongside the main English teacher.

Additional language classes offered by the school

Thai Home Language, Thai Foreign Language, Modern Foreign Languages (Mandarin, French, Japanese, Korean)

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class

18 in Junior and Upper school. We follow UK statutory standards for staff to pupil ratio with a maximum of 1:10 in our Reception classes and much lower ratios in the younger years. Pre-N classes are led by a class teacher, one teaching assistant and one nanny. Nursery and Reception classes are led by a class teacher and one teaching assistant with a shared nanny.

Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

Digital literacy is a key component of our essential learner skills.

Technology is a theme that runs throughout much of the children’s’ learning, from Early Years (using iPads in the classroom), to Juniors (where children can get involved in computer programming and animation) right up to the Senior School (for example shooting, directing and editing films and radio programmes). All classrooms have interactive white boards and Apple TV is also used.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

The school does not practice any specific religion. We offer Religious studies at AS and A Level.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?


External examinations or assessments available

IGCSEs, AS Level and A Level examinations

Results in these examinations

Once again, Harrow Bangkok’s Year 13s produced a stellar set of A2 Level results. Behind the statistics are many individual success stories, including that of Ani Khanra who achieved 4 A*/A passes. He will now take up a place at the Birla Institute of Technology in Mesra, India to read Mechanical Engineering. Sand Vamasiri, who achieved 3 A*/A passes, will now take up a place at Kings College London to read Law.
Mathematics students also performed particularly well – of the 112 who took the exam, 60% achieved an A* or A grade. Those gaining an A* grade included former Head Girl Pat Yontrarak who will now study Biology at Stanford University and Oak Bunyapamai who will now take up a place at University College London reading Mechanical Engineering.
University destinations for Harrow Bangkok’s Sixth Formers are predominantly in the UK and USA, mainly at Russell Group and Ivy League institutions respectively. Engineering is a particular strength of the School, with 18 students going on to study engineering courses at higher education.
Students taking AS examinations performed equally well - over a quarter of Harrow Bangkok students achieved 3 or more A grades including Head Girl, Kyrah Chotitawan who achieved 4 A grades and our Head Boy, David Hyland who achieved 3 A grades at AS level and A* in Mathematics at A2 Level.
The School is also celebrating its best ever results at IGCSE level. 58% of grades received were A*-As.
56% of Harrow students received 5 or more A*-As, and 50 students have achieved at least 6 A*-As -the standard required to become a Harrow Scholar.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?


Approximate hours of homework given

Our expectation is that homework is important to support and embed learning, but should be balanced – not required simply to increase workload for young people on the assumption that they have nothing better to do with their time. I want our students to excel in their studies, and well-judged homework tasks play an important role in this. However, this should be balanced against the need for children to actually have a childhood, to have down time and explore their world, away from school and the pressures of studying. Plus they need time to rest and recover from the pace of school life.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

Almost 100%, depending on the year group (some take gap years).

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Learning Support. Harrow Bangkok provides for students with a range of abilities. We have learning support teachers to work with students who may find some aspects of the curriculum in their lessons challenging.

Learning support offered

The role of learning support teachers includes assessment of student needs, working with class teachers to provide for students who need additional support, creating a plan with targets to address specific needs of the students.
It is important that school staff and parents work together collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for students. There are regular meetings with parents to discuss the progress of students who are receiving help from learning support staff.
If it is felt that we are not the school which can best provide for a particular student, the School will support and help parents in finding an alternative placement for their child.
When deemed necessary, a specialist assessment may be recommended by an outside consultant, for example, by an Educational Psychologist or Occupational Therapist. Options for these types of assessment are provided by the Learning Support Co-ordinators.
We have a dedicated Speech and Language Teacher who works across the School to help students overcome speech issues. After referral by a teacher or parent, children are assessed and supported with individual sessions tailored to meet the needs of the child. Both speech (e.g. articulation) and language (e.g. vocabulary, grammar, communications skills) issues are addressed and resolved.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Students who are identified as being ‘Gifted and Talented’ are offered extended support throughout both the Lower and Upper School, often through extension activities and special events and competitions. Support is provided by a specialist or class teacher in the Lower School and from subject teachers in the Upper School.

Student access to education psychologist

If required, an external educational psychologist can berecommended.

Entry evaluation for students

Admission testing varies depending on the year group. Please contact us by filling in the ‘Initial Contact Form’ or by contacting the Admissions Team on (+66) (0)2503 7222 or emailing admissions@harrowschool.ac.th to arrange an appointment or make an enquiry.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Generally testing would include, English, Mathematics and an interview. An in-class assessment may be required for younger students.

Waiting list

It depends on the age of entry, there is a waiting list for Early Years, but as we are expanding the school to meet demand, particularly in boarding, we can accommodate larger numbers.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

All admitted students are put into their chronological year group,based on the academic year, beginning on 1st September, unless there are very good reasons for not doing so, at the sole discretion of the School.

Students can join after academic year begins

Please contact the Admissions Team on (+66) (0)2503 7222 or email admissions@harrowschool.ac.th to arrange an appointment or make an enquiry. Enrolments typically have a deadline of the start of our school year, but special cases can be considered.

School start time

7.45 am for Lower and Upper School, 8.20 am for EYC.

School finish time

2.40 pm, although extra curricular activities run until 5 pm.

Supervised care before/after school


School bus service available

Montri Transportation are the service provider for Door to Door routes to and from Harrow Bangkok. They are a well known and reputable company that provide transportation for many international schools in Bangkok. The Mo Chit, Bangkok Garden Towers and Ekamai Shuttle service are operated by Harrow Bangkok’s own buses.
The service is a safe, reliable way for your children to travel to school. All children have an ID card that allows you to track their departure and arrival times. A text message can be sent to your phone on request.

School provided lunches

Yes, which has recently been redeveloped to increase outdoor seating available.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Yes, we have vegetarian and halal.

Uniform required

Yes, full details available on our website.

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

The range of Leadership in Action (extra-curricular) opportunities provides something for all interests and talents after lessons finish at 2.40 pm. Activities take place on and off campus five days a week, with many tournaments, expeditions and community service projects being available to the students at weekends and during the holidays; House Camps, the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Scheme and Expedition Week, amongst many other opportunities. See our website for further details.

Sports activities included

PE and Games lessons are included in the curriculum and include sports such as football, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, volleyball, badminton, tennis, kayaking, climbing and biking, among others.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

After School each day as part of the Co-Curricular Programme, Harrovians have the opportunity to take part in over 50 different sports training activities. A huge breadth of sports are on offer and range from individual activities such as Tae Kwon Do, Kayaking, Thai Boxing, Ballet, Archery and Trampolining to the more traditional sports of swimming, football, table tennis, cross country running, volleyball, basketball and badminton. Through these activities, students learn the value of being physically active and are developing positive personal and social attitudes.

Harrow Bangkok is proud of its ‘Lions’ sports teams who compete both within Bangkok and throughout the Region. Harrow Bangkok is represented by both boys’ and girls’ teams at U9, U11, U13, U15, U17 and U19 level. The major seasonal sports are football, basketball, volleyball, tee ball and softball. In addition to this, swimming, tennis and gymnastics squads compete all year round. Harrow Bangkok is a member of the Bangkok Schools Athletic Conference (BISAC) and the Federation of British International Schools in South East Asia (FOBISSEA). These two conferences provide our students opportunities to compete regularly in Bangkok as well as all the major cities in South East Asia. Through regular team practice and competition our ‘Harrow Lions’ learn the value of hard work and commitment and they learn to face up to sporting challenges as individuals and team players.

Sports facilities at the school

We have an air-conditioned sports hall, swimming pool, flood lit football pitches and sports fields, covered multi-purposed athletics area, flood-lit tennis courts, climbing wall and a lake for sailing and water sports.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Many nationally and internationally influential leaders have been educated at Harrow. They have often been pragmatic, determined and independent thinkers; people for their time. Our times appear ever more challenging, so require ever more courageous and able leaders.

Leadership for a better world is defined by six leadership attributes that our students increasingly demonstrate during their time at Harrow Bangkok.
·Contributing positively to the community
·Applying knowledge with compassion
·Solving problems collaboratively
·Solving problems creatively
·Making just choices
·Facing challenges with determination
These values are embedded into all aspects of our school life, including the kinds of learning experiences teachers prepare for students in lessons, co-curricular (Leadership in Action) opportunities, our House System and the students’ experiences in boarding.

In providing an integrated learning experience, designed to nurture our students' six leadership attributes, whether in an explicit and obvious manner or quietly behind the scenes, we support our students' ability to influence their future world for the better. In so doing, they follow in the footsteps of great past Harrovians who, through determination, respect and adaptability, overcame challenging circumstances and gave us a better world.

The Leadership in Action programmes immerses students in extra-curricular activities structured according to six themes, in order to develop the six attributes Leadership for a better world in practical ways:
 Involving students in service encourages them to transform the natural tendency of selfishness towards serving others.
 The human trait of possessiveness and security can be offset by sharing when we involve students in charitable activity.
 Co-operation and collaboration (teamwork) can emerge when students work together towards common objectives rather than the more natural approach of trying to impose one’s own view.
 When students express themselves creatively, they can motivate and inspire others.
 When students give attention to issues at hand with the needs of others as the objective, they become Servant Leaders.
 Placing students in challenging situations, outside their comfort zone, develops the determination to see through to completion a strategy designed to create an outcome that improves the situation for others.

Our Leadership in Action programmes, both inside and outside of the classroom, allow our students opportunities to move out of their comfort zones and undertake new experiences. Whether it be building a raft and spending 24 hours on the Harrow lake, trying to earn the minimum wage by cutting sugar cane, acquiring new skills such as First Aid or Lifeguarding or conquering a 40 metre Tyrolean rope climb, pupils are increasingly able to develop and demonstrate the six leadership attributes:
 Contributing positively to the community
 Applying knowledge with compassion
 Solving problems collaboratively
 Solving problems creatively
 Making just choices
 Facing challenges with determination

A Harrow Bangkok education is meaningful and holistic; and for life. The current adult generation has both inherited and contributed to numerous regional and global challenges. We now require courageous and resilient problem solvers to lead us to a better world.

Teaching approach of the school

A good education is a blessing that opens up the world to a young person. The Head Master believes teachers have an ethical obligation to ensure that all children are excited by learning and achieve their potential as a result, whatever that potential might be, developing attributes that will allow them to positively contribute to those around them in their adult lives.

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