Home > Spain > Bilbao > Lycée Français de Bilbao
Ages 2 to 18

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Leaving qualificationsFrench Baccalaureate and Brevet
Language of instructionFrench
Age RangeAges 2 to 18
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications French Baccalaureate and Brevet
Language of instruction French
Native French teachers
Extra languages (other than French)
Class sizes Average 20 students / class
Maximum 25 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: €7,362
to: €9,072
Address: Galbarriatu, 10, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain
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  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 37 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

Spanish and French.

Ratio of local students to international students

70% of local students to 30% international students.

Native French speaking teachers

Yes all teachers are native speakers (French, English, Spanish, Basque and German).

Language support for students not fluent in French

We are an inclusive school that supports students in a personalized way and allows parallel entry at different ages. Our goal is to meet the diverse and varied needs of all children, without discrimination. It is an educational approach that takes into account the uniqueness of each student, offering flexible adaptation of school itineraries and differentiated teaching.
Two FLE (French as a Foreign Language) certified teachers are part of the teaching team, and welcome and accompany new students in the best possible conditions, immersing them in the FLSCO (Français Langue de Scolarisation - French as a vehicular language) program and inspiring them to master the language of Molière.

Additional language classes offered by the school

English, Spanish , Basque and German.

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

All classrooms in the school are equipped with interactive whiteboards that can be used as a traditional whiteboard or as an interactive whiteboard.
ICTs are important tools for the future of our students, but their use entails difficulties and problems in childhood. That is why the philosophy regarding technology is very clear: ICTs should only be used if they add value to learning, it is one more instrument available to the student for their learning process.
Thus, in Infant, teachers have 15 tablets at their disposal that they can use throughout the week. In Primary, 3rd grade students have a cart of chromebooks at their disposal. From 4th grade onwards, students have their own chromebook.

All computers are included in a digital domain controlled by the school. In this way, the extensions used for work are installed.
As work tools that they are, the computers go home on Mondays and Wednesdays to work and charge. In this way, families are helped to control the amount of time they spend using screens, which is a concern for both families and teachers.
In this sense, the computer is only used at the centre if it adds value to the pedagogical project; placing great emphasis on written work and common sense in the use of this tool.
From Secondary School onwards and during compulsory schooling, students continue to use chromebooks as work tools.

Computers are ideal tools for the application of active pedagogies such as STEAM or FLIPPED CLASSROOM.

In the last years of ESO and throughout Baccalaureate, classes also have access to two PC computer carts necessary for working with applications dedicated to technology, science or drawing.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

At this moment is not neccessary at all!

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

No, we are a secular school.

External examinations or assessments available

Our students complete the following exams:
- Baccalauréat (French Baccalaureate or French International Baccalaureate from 2025-2026)
- Selectividad
- Diplôme National du Brevet,
- FCE Cambridge and CAE Cambridge.
- A2 in basque

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

During Elementary, the students have to review concepts worked on in class.

Approximate hours of homework given

This homework shoudn't exceed 20-30 minutes.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation


Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs


Learning support offered

In primary school, when our students are in Spanish, Music, Basque, etc. classes, we make the class tutors available to meet the specific needs of other students. In this way, we free up a volume of more than 150 hours of teaching per week that we can use in various ways:
One of them is specific support work for one or more students: the freed teacher intervenes in a class to give support to a specific child or a very small group within the classroom.
When the needs of the student require it, there are two documents that are the basis of the specific work to be carried out, as well as allowing fluid communication with the families about these objectives.

PPRE: (Acronym in French for: Personalised Educational Success Plan) When the difficulties are punctual, the tutor writes this document that allows him to highlight the student's strong points and the difficulties in a specific point of the curriculum. The necessary interventions and the evaluation after the weeks that said intervention lasts are proposed. This PPRE is built with the student and family to turn it into a kind of support contract.
PAP: This Pedagogical Adaptation Plan is necessary when dealing with more serious difficulties, such as learning disorders. With the help of the school psychologist, the family is guided towards a professional diagnosis of the difficulties in order to implement a long-term Pedagogical Adaptation Plan that is re-evaluated every year. It is about putting all the available resources and adaptations at the service of the student. This official document covers all school ages and is mandatory for all teachers at the school. The adaptations are varied and can range from the use of adapted material to reducing the duration of exams, oral adaptation of tests, etc. As it is an official document, official tests such as the BREVET (Graduado escolar), BACCALAURÉAT (EvAU) or the different language certifications are always adapted to these specific needs of the student.

This system applies to any type of specific need. So, even highly gifted students can function at their age level but taking into account their specificities. Skipping classes is a possibility but is not necessary for us to adapt to them.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

We have special programs for gifted, able and talented students:
- students can participate in the programs of our network, the AEFE (www.aefe.fr). Each year, for example, we participate in an international debate contest: "Ambassadeurs en Herbe". The selected students participate in a regional debate contest with the other schools of our network. The winners participate in a big international finale in Paris.
- Our network, the AEFE, also grants college scolarships (Bourse Excellence Major) to the best students of the french education network.

Student access to education psychologist

The school has a an educational psychologist and a nurse who can help students in need.

Entry evaluation for students


Students can join after academic year begins


School start time

Middle and high school start at 8.00 am.
Preschool and elementary start at 9.30 am.

School finish time

Preschool and elementary school end at 16.30 pm.
Middle and high school end at 15.30 pm.

Supervised care before/after school

We provide a supervised care after school, from 16.30 to 17.15 pm.

School bus service available


School provided lunches

Yes, there are 4 cafeterias with their own kitchen assisted by a nutritionist and a total of 344 places.
The dining room is mandatory. More than 6 menus are designed each month, so that the meals are adapted to the nutritional needs of the students.
Our school has obtained the SUSTAINABLE DINING ROOM certification, which certifies healthy eating and takes into account environmental protection.
Through this demanding quality seal awarded by AENOR, the French Lycée of Bilbao is part of a select minority of national schools that respect the 7 challenges facing the planet, such as the selection of ecological suppliers and items from local producers. Special care is taken to prepare balanced and nutritious menus. The surplus generated is minimal and the packaging is recycled.
The eco-delegated students have played a fundamental role in obtaining this distinction by proposing activities that sought to encourage more responsible behavior among all students.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)


Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

cultural activities
classical ballet
fun games

homework help
yoga in English
modern dance
classical dance
fun games

homework help
modern dance
classical ballet
federated football

Sports activities included

Athletics, gymnastics, ping-pong, hockey, rugby, orienteering, baseball, basketball, football, Paralympic sports, Basque sports, badminton, volleyball, relay races, motor skills in preschool,

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, several football and basketball teams compete in local leagues.

Facilities at the school

There are three libraries at the French Lycée in Bilbao. Pupils come here every week to borrow books, listen to stories, do research, etc.
And every year there are meetings with renowned authors and illustrators.
The children see how the authors work, ask them questions, see them draw in person, these are absolutely magical moments!
The story becomes real and opens up a world of possibilities for them.

We have a multipurpose theater.

There are 3 laboratories for physics, chemistry and biology. They have capacity for 32, 19 and 25 students.
A laboratory technician prepares the experiments.
There is also a technology laboratory with capacity for 25 students, with a part of the workshop dedicated exclusively to the “Greenpower” project mentioned above.

Students regularly work in a laboratory in the science and technology subjects, so they use it several times a week.

As for the material available, it is very varied:

Material for chemistry laboratory:
Glass material for distillation, filtration, decantation, hot plates, water baths, magnetic stirrers, molecular models, electrolysers, pH meters, conductivity meters, thermometers, scales, extractor hoods…

Material for physics experiments:
Material for optics (optical benches, eye models, lasers...), material for spectroscopy (spectroscopes, sodium and mercury lamps, spectrophotometers...),
material for electrostatics, electrical conduction, magnetism and electromagnetism: solenoids, feeders, rheostats, GBFs...)
Ultrasound material: stroboscopes, sound level meters, US receivers and transmitters...
Material for mechanics and waves: Melde vibrators, earth, sun and moon models, crystalline models, vacuum bell...

Material for the biology laboratory;
Anatomical models (skeleton, human torso, heart, eye, head, different animal skeletons), DNA models, cranial models of the different stages of human evolution. Observation material (biology and geology microscopes (polarizing), binocular magnifying glasses, biology and geology microscope slides…), rocks, minerals, fossils…

Computer-assisted experimentation material:
Acquisition centres (interfaces) with pressure, voltage, carbon dioxide, dioxygen, heart rate, ethanol sensors, lux meters, colorimeters…

Material for the technology laboratory:
A 3D printer, several electric saws, a column drill, bridge models, gear models, pulleys, rack models, automatic door models with microcontroller, Mbot robots, labyrinth model, microbit boards, LED lights and crumble cards, tools of all kinds, work tables, key cases, socket wrenches, fixed wrenches, ratchet wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, allen keys, cutters, pliers…

Sports facilities at the school

For EPS (Education Physique et Sportive), a subject assessed in the BAC, equivalent to the Selectividad) the high school has a large field, with artificial grass. In total it measures 5860m².

Football, field hockey, rugby, baseball and ultimate are played here.

The 775m² athletics track surrounding this field is used for: running, long jump, shot put, discus throw and vortex throw. It is a 300m ring with three lanes. It also has a long jump track.

There is also an outdoor sports and games area of ​​1800m², which includes a handball court, 3 basketball courts and 3 ping pong tables. This area also allows for skating, badminton, mini-tennis and orienteering.

The indoor gym, measuring 360m², has a basketball court, 12 ping-pong tables, a gymnastics equipment area, and 10m of mirrors. Circus activities, acrosport, dance and step can be practised in this space.

The equipment is stored in a 50m² warehouse.

There are 4 changing rooms with showers and toilets (140m²) and a 20m² area for the Physical Education department teachers.

The school provides access to 3 nearby external gyms (Derio, Artxanda and Zamudio). A 25m outdoor pool is also used frequently. Bus journeys do not take more than 10 minutes.

In Infants, there are two classrooms of 116.05 and 104.29m² for carrying out psychomotor skills on a daily basis.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

The French Lycée in Bilbao follows the guidelines issued by the French Ministry of Education. The official programmes have been approved by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
The values ​​that underpin its educational system are:
Equality of individuals
Equity or equality of opportunity: personalised attention to each student is the determining factor of the pedagogical system.
The motto of the Lycée is to adapt to the student and not the other way around.
As regards cultural diversity, our international vocation allows us to welcome students from any background and, up to a very advanced age, with any level of French. We admit students from expatriate families, from all cultural backgrounds with the premise that variety enriches the sum and with secularism as our banner. Indeed, all cultures and religions are welcome but they must remain at the private level.
Thus, the centre and our students are able to admit and integrate any student in a spectacular way.

A fundamental task is to promote the acquisition of a critical spirit. This aspect is of great importance in the mental development and acquisition of values ​​by the student. Through activities such as debate classes, radio and theatre workshops, students learn to listen to others and to argue their own opinions.
The school has been teaching generations to think for 90 years.

Teaching approach of the school

Active learning, through the senses, of materials that can generate knowledge, is a permanent practice in the classrooms. The strategies of the teaching staff tend to encourage students to discover, experiment, study phenomena, create hypotheses, seek answers and draw conclusions.

The centre is not limited to being a French high school, but has an international dimension. French is the vehicular language, and at the same time, it coexists with Spanish, English, Basque and German. The “doublette” modality consists of the presence of two teachers (one in French and the other in one of the other languages ​​mentioned) who work simultaneously in the same classroom. In this way, linguistic symmetry is generated, since it is not a question of translations but of producing a fluidity in the passage from one language to another.

The method consists of working on projects:
In a transversal way, we use the EPI technique (Interdisciplinary Practical Teaching).

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