Ages 6 to 18

School Fees

Montgomery International School Verified badge.pink.sm

4.9 (based on 8 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

MIS offers a choice between an Anglophone or a Bilingual English-French programme in the primary and secondary section.
A dedicated, international staff who use inquiry-based pedagogy in small classrooms with an average of 18 students per group.

School Fee

How much does it cost for a 6 year old to attend one year at Montgomery International School?

Total: €26,525

The first year of enrolment, the price would be €28,525 due to additional one time fees (see details below).
Fees for a 6 year old child.
Based on 2025/2026 fees.

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Children ages:

School Fees Structure

School tuition for the first year of enrolment, based on the fees published for academic year 2025/2026
Six-Year-Old Child ‐ Grade 1
Type of Fee Term of Fee Price (EUR)
Registration Fee One-Time Fee €2,000
Tuition Fee Annual €24,875
Administration Fee Annual €1,650
TOTAL for first year €28,525

Annual School Fees

Overview of total annual fees per grade (excluding the first year one-time fees).
Based on published prices for academic year 2025/2026.
Age Grade Total Fees
6 Grade 1 €26,525
7 Grade 2 €26,525
8 Grade 3 €26,525
9 Grade 4 €26,525
10 Grade 5 €26,525
11 Grade 6 €28,276
12 Grade 7 €28,276
13 Grade 8 €28,276
14 Grade 9 €29,363
15 Grade 10 €29,363
16 Grade 11 €33,288
17 Grade 12 €33,288
Prices shown are illustrative only and subject to change. Schools may or may not raise their prices for future academic years.

Sibling's Discount

10% discount for the second child
20% discount for the third child
50% discount for the fourth child


Full fees published by “Montgomery International School”:

Visit School's fees webpage

4.9 (based on 8 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

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Leaving qualificationIB Diploma
Languages of instructionEnglish and French
Age RangeAges 6 to 18
Yearly fees (G1): €26,525
Reviews: 4.9
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Accreditations & Memberships

4.9 (based on 8 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

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