Home > Argentina > Buenos Aires > St George's College Quilmes
IB, British, and Argentinian
Ages 3 to 18

St George's College Quilmes Verified badge.pink.sm

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CityBuenos Aires
CurriculumsIB, British, and Argentinian
Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and IB Diploma
Languages of instructionEnglish and Spanish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Boarding available - Yes
Yearly fees: Not public
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IGCSE and IB Diploma
Language of instruction English and Spanish
Native English and Spanish teachers
Extra languages (other than English and Spanish)
Class sizes Average 18 students / class
Maximum 25 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:

This school does not make their fees public for the academic year 2024/2025.

Address: Guido 800 CP (1878), Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 11 sections and 44 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school

Argentine, Korean, Chinese, English, Colombian and Brazilian amongst others. Our boarding programme alone has 12 nationalities represented at our school.

Most common nationality

The most common nationality is Argentine.

Ratio of local students to international students

10 % of our students are foreign nationals whilst 90% are Argentine.

Native English and Spanish speaking teachers

The majority are native speakers in their language of instruction (English & Spanish). However, we have a mixture of External Examinations and National Curriculum, so many teachers rely on bilingual skills as the IGCSEs are examined only in English, but the IB has the opportunity for students to select the language of examination and we do our very best to accommodate these needs.

Language support for students not fluent in English and Spanish

Yes - there are methods of support for students who are not fluent in any of our languages of instruction (English and Spanish). Our international students with limited Spanish have separate timetabled classes in that language. For non-English speakers we have in-class support as well. A specialist teacher works with students at a more beginner and introductory level who need greater support.

There is a Learning Support Centre with two full time specialists who coordinate the process and support the access to all aspects of the Curriculum.
The Prep School has an Educational Guidance Team that, together with teachers, plan special classes for students with specific needs in any of the languages.

Additional language classes offered by the school

French is introduced in College.

Max. number of students per class

*College: 3 divisions with 25, 20 and 15 students each one.
*Prep School: 3 divisions with 20 students each one.
*Kindergarten: 3 divisions in K3 (5 year olds’) & K2 (4 year olds’) and 2 divisions in K1 (3 years olds’) with 20 students each one.

Average number of students per class

College: 18 students in each class.
Prep School: 18 students in each class.
Kindergarten: 18 students in each class.

Does the school employ teaching assistants?

Classes in Kindergarten & Prep School have two full time teachers - one for English and one for Spanish which covers our bilingual programme requirements.

Use of technology in the classroom

As a Google Reference School, there is a strong commitment to incorporate new technologies in the classroom in a meaningful and transformative way. We leverage our lessons with our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy as student laptops are a requirement within College, and tablets and Chromebooks are commonly used in Prep School and Kindergarten classrooms.

Seesaw and Google Classroom are our lesson management platforms for most subjects from Kindergarten to College. Students have access to different applications required by the school at the beginning of each academic year in their electronic devices. Whiteboards form part of the classroom's technological equipment.

Teachers have permanent in-service training to promote innovative practices and methodologies, such as station rotations, VR/AR activities, active learning strategies, design thinking and visible thinking routines.

ManageBac Platform is also used, which is the leading planning, assessment and reporting platform for IB PYP, MYP and diploma schools.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

Yes. As a Google Reference School, we have a Distance Learning Programme that includes virtual lessons through Google Meet. Online meetings are also used to keep families informed on their children's progress in virtual Three Way Conference meetings.

Virtual lessons are available for students in all three levels (Kinder, Prep & College), to continue with their learning programmes from home, should the school deem it necessary.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

St George’s College is a non denominational school.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

All students are welcome and accommodated. Religion is not a factor

External examinations or assessments available

Primary School:
*Cambridge Preliminary Exams also known as Preliminary English Test (PET).
*Cambridge English Key Exam also known as KET (Cambridge Key English Test).

Secondary School:
*IGCSE: International General Certificate of Secondary Education.
*International Baccalaureate IB Diploma.

Results in these examinations

*KET & PET Exams
Pass rate: 99%.

*IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education):
A* to C grades:
2015: 69%.
2016: 73%.
2017: 70%.
2018: 79%.
2019: 77%
2020: No exams
2021 74%
2022 72%
2023 50%

*International Baccalaureate IB Diploma:
Points average
2015: 31
2016. 30
2017: 30.
2018: 28.
2019: 27
2020: 31
2021: 31
2022: 32
2023: 30

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Yes, when appropriate.

Approximate hours of homework given

We stagger it to try to ensure it is an achievable amount as we recognise that our school ends at 4:35 pm and then the students are heavily involved in after school activities including sport, creatives and academics.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

Almost all our children attend higher education institutions following their graduation. 95-100%

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

We have a learning support department who work with our students with needs. They are involved with all aspects of the students learning.

Learning support offered

Involved with the following: admissions interview process, creation of support mechanisms and sharing of details of strategies to support, working with the access arrangements for assessments. Regular meetings with the students and parents to review and update the school records and strategies of support.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Apart from differentiated lessons, which implies tailor teaching and learning to meet students needs, there are many opportunities for all students to participate and progress, not just the G & T. We also have had much success in events such as Chemistry, Maths and Physics Olympiads; MUN; International Award; Google Student Educators Awards; CAS Projects; Leadership roles on the Student Council.

Student access to education psychologist

Yes, our Guidance and Support Team works in close contact with teachers in Prep School & tutors and heads of year, in College. This team accompanies students and their families in their school career, in the development of their learning, emotional and social life.

Entry evaluation for students

All candidates have to undertake the School’s levelling entrance examination and a personal interview.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Oral & Written entrance levelling examinations (Spanish, English & Maths) help determine students appropriate academic setting.

Waiting list

Yes, in most year groups across the school

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

There is no deadline regarding registration for a new academic year. Each case is considered individually and on places available.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, St George’s allows students to join an academic year that has already started. Each case is considered individually and on places available.

School start time

Kindergarten: 8 am
Prep School: 8 am
College: 8 am
Boarders live on Campus on a full, weekly or flexi basis.

School finish time

Kindergarten: 3 pm
Prep School: 4.30pm
College: 4.30pm

Supervised care before/after school

Only in the case of boarding students.

School bus service available

Yes, there is an extensive network of buses bringing students to our campus from different parts of the city each day. This is contracted by the parents.

School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)


Uniform required

Yes they are. Uniforms are purchased in the School’s shop located on Campus.

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Saturday Sports Club (Prep and College): Rugby & Hockey.

Co Curricular Workshops (Kindergarten): Musical Instruments, Games & Football-Yoga.

Others: Swimming & Cricket.

Sports activities included

At St George's Physical Education and Sports are understood as fundamental components in the comprehensive education of students.
Annual Sports Programme:

*February – March

*April – July
Boys: Rugby
College: Optional-Basket
Girls: Hockey
College: Optional-Handball

*August – September – October

*October – November – December
Football– Cricket – Diving

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, the organization of internal events, Inter-houses and Inter-schools in a local, national or international scale are part of the school’s sports programme.

Facilities at the school

On our 27 hectares Campus, St George’s College counts with:

*Co-educational Boarding Residence

*Kindergarten Building & Multipurpose Room

*Prep School Building

*College Area: Spanish & English Block, Science Block with Laboratories, Humanities Block, Music Department, Maths Block, Pastoral and College Offices, Lecture Theatre, Art Department, Centre of Innovative Learning, 6th Form Building.

*Dining Hall

*Centenary Hall Theatre




*3 Libraries located in Kindergarten, Prep School & College

*School Museum and Photographic Archives

*Sanford Quincho

*School Shop

Sports facilities at the school

5 Rugby Pitches
5 Hockey Pitches (1 synthetic hockey field, 4 grass hockey fields)
5 Football Pitches
2 Cricket Pitches
4 Cricket Nets
4 Tennis Courts
1 Handball Court
2 Basketball Courts
1 Volleyball Court
2 Fitness Indoor Gymnasiums
1 Aerobics-room
1 Weights-room
1 400 m. Athletics Track
2 Shot Put Areas
1 Discus Area
2 High Jump Synthetic Areas
3 Long Jump Synthetic Areas
2 Swimming Pools (1 heated & covered and 1 outdoor)

Grades/ages available for boarding

EP6-ES6 (the equivalent of UK secondary school.

Boarding facilities at the school

A state of the art boarding house and the facilities on campus, including swimming pools, tennis and squash courts, areas for social events and performances.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Our learners community profile makes of St George’s College an international educational environment were the responsibility of learning, health care and well-being is shared by all its members.

Teaching approach of the school

The School offers a bilingual curriculum based on a trans-disciplinary learning and impulsed by concepts, with a simultaneous articulation between theory and practice.

St George’s College is a Student Centred School that broadly encompasses methods of teaching that shift the focus of instruction from the teacher to the student. Student-centered learning aims to develop learner autonomy and independence by putting the responsibility for learning in the hands of students. It believes that engaged learning happens best when the lives, interests, knowledge, bodies and energies of the students are at the centre of the learning environment. Student-centered instruction focuses on skills and practices that enable lifelong learning and independent problem-solving.

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