Quick summary of key school information
School details
Number of students |
784 |
Most common nationality |
American |
Ratio of local students to international students |
25% local : 75% international |
Native English speaking teachers |
Yes |
Additional language classes offered by the school |
Arabic, French, Spanish |
Average number of students per class |
17 |
Use of technology in the classroom |
The Technology Department strives toward the seamless integration of technology in every division of the school. It supports the high school instructional program with computer labs and mobile laptop carts, a Design Technology Center, and a current program of BYO Laptops. The Middle School features a 1 to1 school owned laptop program, high-end computer lab and a Design Tech Center. The Elementary School features computers in every classroom, computer labs, and a 1 to 1 ratio of laptops for learning in grades 3-5. An early years "iPads for Learning" program is in place. |
External examinations or assessments available |
IB Diploma |
Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation |
98% of CAC graduates go on to colleges and universities in the United States or other countries. |
Entry evaluation for students |
In addition to reviewing previous records, CAC often administers tests to applicants at all grade levels, to facilitate decisions regarding admission and placement. |
Students can join after academic year begins |
Students transferring from abroad will be considered for admission throughout the school year. |
School start time |
7:55 |
School finish time |
15:05 |
Supervised care before/after school |
Pre-kindergarten after school care. |
School bus service available |
Yes |
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered |
Art, basketball, soccer, Zumba, cricket, French, running, woodwork, Arabic debating club, Arabic writing club, human rights, papyrus club, math competition club, poetry, choir, orchestra, musical. |
Sports activities included |
Physical education |
Sports teams or sport competitions available for students |
Yes |
Sports facilities at the school |
2 playing fields, playgrounds, all-weather track, heated swimming pool, multipurpose basketball/volleyball court. |
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school |
Cairo American College is an independent coeducational day school, which offers an educational program from prekindergarten through grade 12 for students of all nationalities.
Teaching approach of the school |
CAC inspires all students to learn, explore, and have fun. CAC builds character and motivates its students to positively contribute to their communities. |