IB, Catholic, and Swiss
Ages 3 to 18


Institut Florimont Verified badge.pink.sm

3.1 (based on 2 reviews) Reviews aren't verified


- Fantastic
November 19, 2024
- Fantastic

Can only recommend !
After going to many different schools in Geneva, I always got issues, got bullied, etc.
But at Florimont, it was a whole different story. Got included in a group of people in a matter of minutes after my arrival, and spent good times there. The teacher were super comprehensive and always helpful, trying to help you whenever you needed it.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

1 other review for Institut Florimont - (Reviews aren't verified )


- Terrible
January 19, 2024
- Terrible

The primary school is run as a business. Total lack of basic pedagogy, no care for the psicologycal wellbeing or development of children social skills. There is no space for trying to understand the children needs, just teaching the lessons on the books and tons of homeworks, that have to be done at home, even if kids are in school until 16:30.
There is also no communication between the management and the teachers, and no transparency to the parents either, so parents are not made aware of issues in time, and then expensive courses are suggested so that the child can "be helped" .
On the top of that, it is supposed to be a bilingual school, but the teaching of English is with 100 years old methods, and it seems like a very secondary thing in the school curriculum.
On paper might seem cheaper than other private schools, but that's because you pay many things on the side (books, food, any single activities).

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Terrible
Teachers - Average
Academics - Average
Facilities - Average
School Atmosphere - Terrible
Administration - Terrible

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See all the information about Institut Florimont

CurriculumsIB, Catholic, and Swiss
Leaving qualificationIB Diploma
Languages of instructionEnglish and French
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 3.1
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