Home > Vietnam > Ho Chi Minh City > International Schools of North America
Ages 6 to 18

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4.8 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified
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CityHo Chi Minh City
Leaving qualificationsIB Diploma and AP
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 6 to 18
Boarding available - Yes
Reviews: 4.8
Social Media:

4.8 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IB Diploma and AP
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 22 students / class
Maximum 22 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: 514,560,000 ₫
to: 843,470,000 ₫
Address: Street 20, Him Lam Quarter, South Saigon, Binh Chanh District, HCMC, Vietnam
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 11 sections and 44 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

Vietnamese & Korean

Ratio of local students to international students


Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

Language competency adds to our well-being and self-confidence. At SNA we provide an opportunity for language learning and critical study in English, Vietnamese, and Korean, as well as supporting Independent Language studies for students from other mother tongue backgrounds.

Additional language classes offered by the school

Korean, Vietnamese, French, Spanish, Mandarin

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

We integrate cutting-edge technology into our classrooms to enhance learning experiences. From 3D laser printer and digital tools to subject-specific software and online resources, students gain hands-on skills that prepare them for a tech-driven world.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

SNA is equipped with advanced virtual classroom technologies to ensure uninterrupted learning. In emergencies, such as COVID-19 quarantines, we offer online lessons through video conferencing and digital platforms, maintaining academic excellence and student engagement.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

SNA fosters a respectful and inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds feel welcome. While the school does not promote specific religious practices, we encourage open-mindedness and understanding of diverse beliefs within our global community.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

We provide every accommodation for students who have religious / non-religious needs (prayer room, accommodated food options)

External examinations or assessments available

At SNA, students undertake the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme exams, the WIDA test for English language development, and the MAP test to measure academic progress and growth.

Results in these examinations

The Class of 2024 achieved an impressive average IB score of 34, surpassing the global average of 30, reflecting the dedication of our students and educators.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Yes, teachers assign homework through the ManageBac platform, allowing students and parents to easily access and manage tasks.

Approximate hours of homework given

Homework varies by grade level. For example, Grades 1 & 2 students are encouraged to read for a minimum of 15 minutes per language daily. The overall workload is designed to balance academic growth with personal well-being.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

100% of our graduates go on to attend higher educational institutions, many earning placements in top universities worldwide.

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Yes, SNA provides comprehensive inclusion support for students facing challenges such as medical, social, emotional, educational, or circumstantial needs. We develop Individual Education Plans (IEPs) tailored to each student’s needs and collaborate with outside agencies and professional recommendations. Our qualified staff employs best practices to create a holistic and inclusive environment, empowering students to achieve their full potential.

Learning support offered

All specialist teachers at SNA work within mainstream classrooms to support students in a natural, language-rich environment. When necessary, strategic pull-out support is also provided to address specific needs, ensuring all students receive personalized attention.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

SNA challenges gifted and talented students by offering differentiated instruction, opportunities for independent projects, and participation in advanced programs such as the IB Diploma Programme. Additionally, students can engage in extracurricular activities and competitions, nurturing their unique talents and encouraging further development.

Student access to education psychologist

Our School Counselling and Wellbeing Team offers direct support to students in a confidential and safe manner. They address individual, social, peer, educational, and relationship issues, promoting physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing. The team mentors, advocates, and equips students with resilience and self-help strategies, focusing on the whole person - mind, body, and environment.

Entry evaluation for students

Yes, SNA conducts a comprehensive screening assessment prior to admissions.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

This includes a 1-on-1 interview, a WIDA assessment covering the four English language skills, and either a Math or Language assessment. These evaluations ensure that we understand each student's unique needs and abilities, allowing us to support their academic journey effectively.

Waiting list


Deadline for registration (new academic year)

Parents are encouraged to apply before the new school year begins, typically by August each year, during our main admissions season. However, applications may still be considered year-round on a case-by-case basis.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, SNA evaluates mid-year admissions on a case-by-case basis. Decisions are made by the Head of School and the School Board, ensuring a smooth transition and appropriate support for each student.

School start time

Breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m., students transition to their first-period classes at 7:50 a.m., and classes officially start at 8:00 a.m.

School finish time

The school day ends at 3:15 p.m. for students not participating in after-school activities. For those involved in after-school activities, the day concludes at 4:15 p.m.

Supervised care before/after school

Yes, all staff follow a duty roster to ensure students are supervised during every time slot of the school day, including before and after classes.

School bus service available


School provided lunches

Yes, students have the option to enjoy meals provided at school or bring their own food.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Yes, we cater to the dietary needs of a diverse population, offering alternative food options for students with special diets.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

SNA offers a wide variety of over 50 co-curricular activities and clubs, catering to diverse interests. These include Chess, Debate, MC Club, Guitar, Basketball, Volleyball, Photography, Drama, and many more.

Sports activities included

The school curriculum incorporates a range of physical activities and sports, including Swimming, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Running, and Badminton, promoting fitness and teamwork.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, SNA boasts active and competitive sports teams. Over the past year, our teams have excelled in competitions against other international schools, securing numerous achievements, including 1st and 3rd place victories in various tournaments.

Facilities at the school

SNA provides a wide range of facilities to enhance students' academic and creative experiences. These include two libraries tailored for MYP and PYP students, two music rooms for each program, computer rooms, a physics lab, a biology-chemistry lab, an auditorium, a 3D golf simulation room, and a dance room.

Sports facilities at the school

SNA is equipped with excellent sports facilities, including a football field, a swimming pool, a gymnasium, and a weight room to support students' physical fitness and athletic development.

Grades/ages available for boarding

Boarding at SNA is flexible and available to students across various grades and age groups, ensuring it meets the needs of families and students.

Boarding facilities at the school

SNA provides boarders with well-equipped facilities, including separate bedrooms for boys and girls, a laundry room, a lounge room, and shared living and kitchen areas. Services include excursions, academic support, engaging activities, medical care, and the guidance of dedicated boarding parents to ensure a safe and supportive environment.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

SNA stands out as 1 of only 6 IB Continuum Schools in Vietnam, offering programs from Grade 1 to Grade 12. We emphasize student-centered learning and holistic development, fostering well-rounded individuals. Our graduates consistently gain acceptance to top universities worldwide, showcasing the strength of our academic programs.

Teaching approach of the school

SNA adopts a student-centered teaching approach that prioritizes active engagement and critical thinking. Our methods include inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, and the IB's Approaches to Teaching and Learning, which nurture creativity, collaboration, and lifelong learning skills.

4.8 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

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