Home > Hong Kong > San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School
British, Christian, and Chinese
Ages 6 to 12

San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School Verified badge.pink.sm

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CityHong Kong
CurriculumsBritish, Christian, and Chinese
Leaving qualificationN/A
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 6 to 12
Social Media:

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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications N/A
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 22 students / class
Maximum 28 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: HK$127,030
to: HK$128,400
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
Address: 5 Kwong Lee Rd, Lei Cheng Uk, Hong Kong
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 36 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students

Around 400

Number of nationalities represented in the school

More than 25 countries

Ratio of local students to international students

We have around 60% local and 40% international students.

Native English speaking teachers

English & Mandarin

Additional language classes offered by the school


Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

Interactive Screen, iPad, Google Classroom, SEQTA etc.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

Google Classroom, Google Meeting etc.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?


How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

In Religious Education, we teach all major faiths in the world according to the UK Curriculum. We respect all faiths.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Yes, we have our homework policy to ensure most students are able to finish their homework within certain period of time so as to consolidate their learning. Usually, homework is sent on Friday and expected to return on Tuesday. For local Chinese curriculum, there is daily homework for students to practise their Chinese learning.

Approximate hours of homework given

We have our homework policy detailing the requirements for each year group.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

90% continue with YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College (YHKCC)
10% Other DSS Schools, International schools or Overseas

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

STRIVE TEAM (SEN Coordinator, Support Teachers, Social Worker & Educational Psychologist)

Learning support offered

Intervention, Friendship Groups, specialist support when required

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

We encourage students to join inter-school or international competitions.
We also have students who represent Hong Kong to join territory-wide or Worldwide competitions.

Student access to education psychologist


Entry evaluation for students

Year 1 - group interview [face-to-face]
Year 2- Year 6 - written assessments & individual interview [face-to-face]

Brief description of entry evaluation required

For new Year 1 students, we focus on students' social and emotional skills and they have basic English proficiency where they are able to listen to the instructions.
For insertions, students are expected to meet the entry requirements in writing and speaking which include Chinese, English and Mathematics.

Waiting list


Deadline for registration (new academic year)

1st phase - mid or late-October
2nd phase - mid or late-January
Other than the above phases, we will arrange interviews when needed.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, when seats are available.

School start time

8:25 a.m.

School finish time

3:20 p.m.

School bus service available


School provided lunches

Lunch Service Provider

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Chinese Book Club, Spanish Introduction, Maths Club, Spanish Arts & Culture Club, Chinese Calligraphy Club, Battle of the Books, Chinese Culture Club, Board Games Club, Animal Care Club, Community Service Club, Lego Construction Club, Chess Club, Face painting Club, VR Escape Room Club, Travel & Culture Club, Chinese Handicrafts, Art Club, DIY Hair Accessories, Dance Club, Ball Games Club
(All activities are subject to change due to availability and student needs. )

Sports activities included

PE Lessons such as ball games (basketball, baseball, table tennis, badminton, dodgeball, etc), track and field, dance, swimming, etc..

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Athletics Team, Badminton Team, Boys / Girls Basketball Team, Cricket Team, Fencing Team, Football Team, Rope Skipping Team, Rugby Team,
Swimming Team, Table Tennis Team, Dance Team

Facilities at the school

Library, Muti-purpose Room, Music Room, Art Room, Dance Room, Muti-Media Learning Centre, Science Room, Mini Chapel

Sports facilities at the school

Basket court, Running track

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

1. Happy and meaningful learning environment
2. Professional and caring teaching team
3. British-style education with solid Maths and Chinese programmes
4. CARES Values

Teaching approach of the school

Theme-based Cross-curricular Learning; Activity-based Learning

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Contact the admissions team at San Wui Commercial Society YMCA of Hong Kong Christian School

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