Home > Hong Kong > Victoria Shanghai Academy
IB and Chinese
Ages 6 to 18

Victoria Shanghai Academy Verified badge.pink.sm

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CityHong Kong
CurriculumsIB and Chinese
Leaving qualificationIB Diploma
Languages of instructionEnglish and Chinese
Age RangeAges 6 to 18
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IB Diploma
Language of instruction English and Chinese
Native English and Chinese teachers
Extra languages (other than English and Chinese)
Class sizes Average
Maximum 28 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: HK$169,400
to: HK$238,860
Address: 19 Shum Wan Road Aberdeen Hong Kong

The school's primary section offers a bilingual education (English and Mandarin); the secondary curriculum is delivered in English and supplemented by a strong Chinese programme.
Debentures are available.
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 31 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Native English and Chinese speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English and Chinese

English as Additional Language Program
Chinese as Additional Language Program

Additional language classes offered by the school

Mandarin, French, Spanish

Max. number of students per class


Use of technology in the classroom

Digital Literacy, Design Thinking, Information Literacy

Digital Literacy

Technology provides us with valuable opportunities to enhance student learning and teaching effectiveness. Digital literacy encompasses the use of a wide range of digital tools, media and learning environment to provide opportunities for the transformation of teaching and learning, enabling students to investigate, create, communicate, collaborate, organize and be responsible digital citizens while navigating their own learning. Through the effective use of technology, learners develop and apply strategies for critical and creative thinking, engage in inquiry, make connections, and apply new understandings and skills in different contexts. VSA students take part in a Digital Citizenship programme to equip them with the necessary skills and attitudes to help them become responsible and productive global citizens.

Features of our digital literacy programme include:
- Just in time connection through wireless internet access and a high ratio of iPads, desktops and laptops in every classroom
- 1 to 1 MacBook Programme in MYP & DP
- Digital literacy coaches who work with students and staff in classrooms and the ICT Hub
- Technology to capture, explore, reflect and assess learning at VSA
- Digital portfolios that evidence learning and understanding

Design Thinking

Design Thinking equips individuals to solve complex problems and build innovative solutions through developing revolutionary ways of thinking. VSA is at the forefront of incorporating Design Thinking into the curriculum from Year 1 upwards in the next school year, training students as young as age 6 to think as designers and problem solvers and equip them to become future leaders.

Using the Design Thinking process, we emphasise with users , defined their needs and problems , ideated (challenged assumptions and created ideas for innovative solutions, prototyped and tested their solutions).

Information Literacy

At VSA the school libraries are central to learning and play a key role as places for encouraging passion, innovation, curiosity, and problem solving. Our skilled library staff work in partnership with teachers and students to develop key research skills that they will use in their units of inquiry and major pieces of work including the PYP Exhibition, MYP personal project and the DP extended essay. At VSA we are committed to bilingualism and we have a large collection of more than 100,000 items including English and Chinese fiction and non-fiction books, journal subscriptions, databases, periodicals, magazines and multimedia tools. The library’s online catalogue and e-resources are available to students anytime via our school portal system. Our school libraries are an important part of school life and reflect and welcome the whole VSA community.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)


Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?


External examinations or assessments available

IB Diploma

Results in these examinations

VSA has had IB full scorers for the past 4 years.

For results from the past 5 years please visit: www.vsa.edu.hk/learning/academic-results/myp-dp-results

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

For recent University Placements please visit: www.vsa.edu.hk/learning/academic-results/university-placements

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Counselling, Learning Support and University Counselling

Learning support offered

In line with our mission of supporting students to become happy, healthy and accomplished, VSA’s guidance and counselling services aim to help every individual student to reach their full potential in all aspects of school life. We provide:
- Individual and group guidance and counselling
- Parent information sessions and workshops
- Coaching and mentoring programmes

Learning Support
Our learning and language support teams work with teachers, students and parents to ensure that all students have full access to the curriculum. We run a range of services including:
- Co-teaching
- Assistance for teachers with differentiation and other learning support strategies
- Social skills building groups
- Intensive support classes
- Peer-mentoring

University Counselling
The goal of the University Counselling Office (UCO) is to help place all leaving students in a university suitable for them academically and socially. Finding a good and proper match between student and university is our most important goal. The UCO holds an annual University Fair for students and parents to meet with university representatives from around the world, as well as various events throughout the year to help student and parents with the university selection and application process. It maintains a library of university publications, schedules visits to the school by university representatives throughout the year and participates in professional conferences. Our work includes:
- Advising on IB diploma course selection
- Assisting students in university program selection,
- Advising on writing personal statements and application essays
- Reviews of applications
- Writing student recommendations and preparing transcripts
- Assisting with mock entrance interviews.
- Advises on and conducting standardized tests

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Internal and External Scholarships

For full list of scholarships please visit: www.vsa.edu.hk/admissions/scholarship-opportunities

Entry evaluation for students

Interview and assessment

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Year 1: All applicants are interviewed in a group setting (in English and Putonghua). Shortlisted students and parents are invited to attend a parent interview with a member of the Senior Management Team.

Year 2 – Year 5: Applicants will join a 40 minutes lesson in the appropriate year level, in which they will participate in the class activities and be interviewed by teachers in English and Putonghua. After the lesson, applicants will need to take a written assessment which consists of English, Chinese and Mathematics.

Year 6 – Year 11: Written Tests (Chinese Language, English Language & Mathematics). Interviews in English and Putonghua.

Waiting list


Deadline for registration (new academic year)

Rolling application

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time

8:25 am

School finish time

Monday to Friday (except Wednesday): 3:30 pm
Wednesday: 1:30 pm

School bus service available


School provided lunches

The cafeteria is equipped with an on-site kitchen, providing freshly cooked meals. The cafeteria also serves breakfast, and snacks during recesses and after school.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

VSA provides abundant learning opportunities beyond the school, both locally and globally, to enhance students' learning. Through these activities such as CAS trips, camps, environmental groups, field trips, house days, Model United Nations, music and science competitions, sports teams and more, students develop a greater sense of international mindedness and social responsibility.

For full list please visit: www.vsa.edu.hk/student-life/creativity-activity-services

Sports activities included

Track and field, badminton, basketball, rugby, soccer, swimming, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, bowling, fencing, cross country, ball hockey

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

VSA participates in HKSSF (Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation) and ISSF (International schools sports federation of Hong Kong) competitions.

Facilities at the school

For a virtual tour, photo, and video galleries, please visit: www.vsa.edu.hk/about/campus-facilities/virtual-tour

Sports facilities at the school

Gymnasium, playground, outdoor court, swimming pool.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Victoria Shanghai Academy is a student-centred community of academic and personal excellence, combining international perspectives and Chinese heritage.
VSA emphasises a holistic approach at the heart of which is inquiry teaching and learning. The primary section offers a bilingual education (English and Mandarin); the secondary curriculum is delivered in English and supplemented by a strong Chinese programme.

Teaching approach of the school

A student centred inquiry approach to teaching and learning is emphasized. VSA students are seen as individuals, each with their particular strengths and unique abilities. VSA students are encouraged to translate their learning into action by putting into practice their interpretation of the school motto: Virtue, Service, Action and testing their capacity for leadership.

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