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Find your International School in Ikast, Denmark

All the key information about the 1 International School in Ikast, Denmark and other nearby cities: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

International School Ikast-Brande

International School Ikast-Brande is the international school of choice in the heart of Denmark. ISIB achieves this by endeavouring to fulfil the academic potential of every ISIB student. We guide our students to be balanced individuals who are fully prepared for the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing world.
The International School Ikast-Brande is a school committed to the happiness and sustainability of our community. Focused on excellent academics and developing individual skills and attributes we prepare students for the challenges of an ever-changing world International School Ikast-Brande offers a Cambridge International Program for students from the ages of 3 years - 16 years. ISIB offers a high-quality education in English, a globally recognised curriculum and a multinational community.
International School Ikast-Brande is a friendly and diverse school with a family atmosphere. Our staff team works in partnership with students and parents, and we encourage our students to care for each other in an environment that promotes consideration, cooperation, and courtesy.
Language of instruction
3 to 16
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: kr41,250
to: kr41,250

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