Home > Malaysia > Kuala Lumpur > Sri Bestari International School
Ages 3 to 16

Sri Bestari International School Verified badge.pink.sm

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified
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CityKuala Lumpur
Leaving qualificationIGCSE
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 16
Reviews: 5.0
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5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IGCSE
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 22 students / class
Maximum 25 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: RM16,805
to: RM37,225
Address: Persiaran Margosa, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 42 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students

AY22/23 - 616

Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

Malaysia, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Pakistan, India

Ratio of local students to international students

15% international students

Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

Not at the moment

Additional language classes offered by the school

Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia, Spanish, German

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?

Yes, for Early Years and Year 1, certain subjects

Use of technology in the classroom

Schoology, the virtual learning environment. Secondary students will be using MacBook. We have smartboards for most of the early years and primary classrooms.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

Been using Schoology as a daily learning and interactive platform. During Covid-19, we also offer school lessons through Zoom and Google Meet.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

Students practice their own religion - Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

We offer Muslim students an after school Islamic Studies.

External examinations or assessments available

HSK Examination, Cambridge Checkpoint Exam, IGCSE

Results in these examinations

We do have a few students who achieved Perfect Scores in Cambridge Checkpoint Exam

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Yes, scheduled homework

Approximate hours of homework given

Few days to a week

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

Not applicable at the moment, our first batch of Year 11 students will be graduating in August 2022.

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

We do have an Education Learning Support Academy under the private school wing. For international school wing, no we don't have.

Learning support offered

ELSA Program - take in mild autism, mild dyslexia, learning disability students

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Opportunities are given to the students to present themselves in different avenues and occasions.

Student access to education psychologist

We soon will have an in-house counsellor.

Entry evaluation for students

Yes, entry exam with an interview with the deputy principal

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Early Years - Interview; Primary level - test on English and Mathematics, followed by an interview; Secondary level - test on English, Mathematics and Science, followed by an interview.

Waiting list

Sometimes on certain levels

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

By August for September (Term 1) intake, by December for January (Term 2) intake and by March for April (Term 3) intake

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time

7:45 AM for Primary and Secondary, 8:00 AM for Early Years

School finish time

Monday to Thursday -
Early Years - 2 PM;
Lower Primary - 3 PM;
Upper Primary to Secondary 3:40 PM.

Friday -
Early Years - 12:30 PM;
Primary to Lower Secondary - 1:10 PM;
Upper Secondary - 3:10 PM.

Supervised care before/after school

Yes, 15 mins before/after the school day, at the school foyer

School bus service available

External transporter available

School provided lunches

Meal plans are compulsory for Early Years and Year 1 to Year 4 students

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

We offer halal food in the canteen

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Primary Societies (timetable inclusive): Master Chef, Creative Club, Eco-School, Young Entrepreneur, Young Scientist, Junior Tag Talk, Adventurous-Camping Skills.
Primary ECAs: Chess (Beginner & Intermediate), Robotics, Ballet, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Table Tennis, Swimming, Taekwondo.
Secondary Societies (After school - compulsory): Master Chef, Mandarin Club, Broadcast Club, Young Journalist, Adventurous-Camping Skills, Science Society, Board Games, Artist Hub, Counselling Club, Microbit & Arduino.
Secondary ECAs: Basketball, Badminton, Swimming, Football.

Sports activities included

Water play for early years, swimming for primary and secondary level, telematch, different kind of sports

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, MSSD or friendly match with other schools

Facilities at the school

420-seaters auditorium, library, science labs, ICT labs, culinary arts lab, art studios, dance studios, violin room, piano room, vocal room, green screen

Sports facilities at the school

Football field, swimming pool, multipurpose indoor sports hall, indoor playground

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

GRIT - Gratitude, Resilient, Intentional Inconvenience, Teamwork. We believe in the growth mindset and be the author of your own stories.

Teaching approach of the school

Incorporate S.T.E.A.M. Education and Entrepreneurship in the Cambridge Curriculum. Each classroom is equipped with a smartboard.

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

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