IB and Swiss
Ages 1 to 18


Haut-Lac International Bilingual School Verified badge.pink.sm

5.0 (based on 4 reviews) Reviews aren't verified


- Fantastic
November 17, 2020
- Fantastic

I went to Haut-lac and graduated in 2009 after 1 great years at this school. The view and school grounds are second to none, overlooking lake Geneva, and the community was so close and lovely.

I did ski competitions, athletics competitions, cross countries and so much more as well as my academics, and participated in school shows every year. There was so much to do and I always knew people were looking out for me and encouraging me to do my best. I now run my own business and know that Haut-Lac gave me the courage to do so.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

3 other reviews for Haut-Lac International Bilingual School - (Reviews aren't verified )

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- Fantastic
April 28, 2021
- Fantastic

Bilingual, modern and caring!

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic


- Fantastic
November 17, 2020
- Fantastic

Since leaving Haut-Lac in 2010 with 40 points in the IB, I have graduated university, done two more courses and started my own business. Thank you Haut-Lac for giving me the foundations I needed to be where I am today!

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic


- Fantastic
November 17, 2020
- Fantastic

Having gone from 3 to 18 years old at Haut-Lac, I finished school with 43/45 points in the IB, alongside a group of friends who all achieved 40+ points! I'm not sure how we could have been taught or done better than that, and I will always have H-L to thank for that.

I also had a great time because we did so many sports, events (international day is the best) and trips. Now that I have been through university and met so many other students from around the world, I realise how truly lucky I was to go to school here. Thank you Haut-Lac

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic

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See all the information about Haut-Lac International Bilingual School

CityLausanne - Vaud
CurriculumsIB and Swiss
Leaving qualifications
Languages of instructionEnglish and French
Age RangeAges 1 to 18
Boarding available - Yes
Yearly fees: Not public
Reviews: 5.0
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