Ages 1 to 14


Green Stone British International School Verified

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

1 review for Green Stone British International School - (Reviews aren't verified )


- Fantastic
November 13, 2024
- Fantastic

It is an amazing and familiar school. The environment is amazing, full of nature, and the teachers and staff have a nice relationship with the students and families.
They follow the British Curriculum and the children also learn Chinese and French. As it is in Spain, they have Spanish subjects too from Year 2.
The teachers are international (England, Ireland, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, The Nederlands, China, France, Spain...) which makes a multicultural environment.
They have their own kitchen, so the children have a Mediterranean menu designed by the Chef, my daughter loves his food!
It has a sports field, art room, science and robotics lab, a small gym, 2 libraries and a big natural area for playing.
My daughter is really happy at school.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Fantastic

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See all the information about Green Stone British International School

Leaving qualificationN/A
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 1 to 14
Reviews: 5.0
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