Home > Spain > Madrid > King's College The British School of Madrid - Chamartín
Ages 3 to 7

King's College The British School of Madrid - Chamartín Verified badge.pink.sm

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Leaving qualificationN/A
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 7
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications N/A
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 20 students / class
Maximum 27 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: €7,800
to: €9,525
Address: Prieto Ureña, 9E, 28016 Madrid Spain
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 41 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality


Ratio of local students to international students

At the moment 60% of our pupils are Spanish and 40% are from all around the world.

Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

We offer an "Induction English" programme. This is a special course for non- English speaking newcomers of proven academic ability, whose entry to King's College would not otherwise be possible.

Additional language classes offered by the school

French, German and Chinese (as an optional class). Spanish is taught as part of the curriculum in Year 1 & 2.

Max. number of students per class

27 (with 2 adults)

Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

Interactive whiteboards are available in all classrooms. Your child will learn from first-hand experience, not just text books.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

Yes. King’s Infant School in Chamartín ensures continued and high-quality learning for our young pupils no matter the situation, by constantly revising our approach to education. Our successful hybrid system allows us to provide in-class learning and/or live online lessons.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

No. We celebrate all cultures and children learn celebrations from different religions around the World.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

Children learn celebrations around the World in order to understand faiths and cultures. We also talk about scientific or non-religious approaches.

External examinations or assessments available

Chamartin is an infant school, at the age of 7 they can transfer to King's College, The British School of Madrid, where they can complete the A Levels and IGCSE examinations.

Results in these examinations

Please follow this link to see our examination results http://madrid-soto.kingscollegeschools.org/academic/examination-results/

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Homework at KIS reflects the age of our pupils and is given only once or twice a week. It is seen as a way for our children to share their learning with their parents.

Approximate hours of homework given

Pupils are expected to take reading books home to also share with their parents.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

Chamartin is an infant school, at the age of 7 they can transfer to King's College, The British School of Madrid, where a 100% of the students attend a higher education.

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs


Learning support offered

The school has a SENCO leader who is in charge of making sure that all learning needs and needs of our pupils are fulfil. Individual learning plans are designed for those children who might need it.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

The school has a SENCO leader who is in charge of making sure that all learning needs and needs of our pupils are fulfil. Individual learning plans are designed for those children who might need it.

Student access to education psychologist


Entry evaluation for students

The procedure for admission to the school varies according to the age of the candidate.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

New pupils applying for entry to the school for KS2 take entrance tests in Mathematics, Reading, Writing and Non Verbal Reasoning. Parents will be asked to provide past school reports for the previous two academic years. At this age they will be expected to know how to read and write in English.

Waiting list

This depends on the year group.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

There is no deadline for registration.

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time

9.15 am

School finish time

4.35 pm

Supervised care before/after school

Extra supervision can be requested, however, this incurs an extra cost.

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Our school provides special diets for children/families that might requested.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Chess, Ballet, Football, Judo, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Swimming, Marvellous Magic, English Adventures, Booster English, Starter Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Music Initiation, Piano, Violin.

Sports activities included

Children have 2 lessons of Physical Education every week which covers the National Curriculum requirements. Our families also can substitute one of these PE lessons for Swimming lessons at the local swimming pool. Apart from all these arrangements our outdoor learning sessions and patios provide physical activities for children to develop their motor skills.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Not currently. But we celebrate Sports Days within the other King’s College Madrid Schools as part of our transition program.

Sports facilities at the school

Two outdoor playgrounds (covered for wet / shady play), two indoor covered playgrounds for Nursery and Reception, climbing wall, sports pitches.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

King’s Infant School in Madrid’s city centre is part of King’s Group, a prominent education organisation founded in 1969, which provides a high-quality British education to more than 8,000 students across the globe.

The school is located in Madrid’s central business district of “Chamartín” and offers a dedicated learning campus with thoughtful in and outdoor play facilities, specifically built for children between the ages of 2 and 7 years old (from Pre-Nursery to Year 2). Like its sister schools King’s Infant School offers the English National Curriculum and is fully accredited by the Department for Education in the UK as ""Excellent"" in every category from the latest external school inspection report as a British School Overseas (BSO)

Young children are naturally inquisitive; the school embraces this to develop it into a love for discovery and learning. King’s Infant School creates inspirational learning opportunities, encouraging pupils’ first hand exploration and engagement. The quality start which they receive at King’s Infant School allows pupils to secure a solid foundation from which future learning experiences can be built upon. Success is based upon a partnership between pupils, parents and staff working together to celebrate successes and overcome challenges.

Teaching approach of the school

At King’s Infant School we follow the British National Curriculum for Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. We ensure that our pupil’s interests are taking into consideration when choosing topics for our different subjects. Through cross-curricular approach we carefully plan different activities that cover all areas of learning to ensure coverage of all the objectives of the curriculum as well as providing with a great variety of activities that motivate our pupils.

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