IB, British, and International
Ages 3 to 18


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4.3 (based on 4 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Greengates School is a prestigious British International School in the northwest suburbs of Mexico City. Greengates offers the IPC in the Primary School and University of Cambridge IGCSE followed by the IBDP in the Secondary School.


- Fantastic
June 18, 2024
- Fantastic

During the last 18 months the school has had a completely new leadership team. Communication has improved and continues to do so. The school has started sharing details of exciting development plans for the coming years. Being a part of the Nord Anglia group has been a positive step for the school and it looks set to continue.

Teachers are wonderful and the children love attending school everyday. The academic standards are excellent overall. An amazing experience for my family.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Fantastic
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Very Good
School Atmosphere - Fantastic
Administration - Very Good

3 other reviews for Greengates School - (Reviews aren't verified )

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Showing 2 reviews by parents and students.


- Fantastic
June 14, 2021
- Fantastic

Amazing school. Great funding, and superb education. Many facilities like football, volleyball, basketball, and even American football fields, as well as highly trained teachers, who clearly know what they're doing. As a student, I can say that despite some of its worse qualities, Greengates school is an amazing institution which lets students express themselves, and let them be themselves with other people who understand them. They can start their own extracurricular's, take part in ones which they enjoy, or even just have a nice movie night or chat about anime with their friends in an extracurricular. Although they are a bit stingy with the free amenities, it is a great experience and so far, the best I've had in my 18 years of life.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Fantastic
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Fantastic
Facilities - Fantastic
School Atmosphere - Very Good
Administration - Average


- Good
July 07, 2020
- Good

The school administration is awful. School communications are awful. Very uncaring towards students as evidenced by the lack of kindness shown to this year’s graduating class. The class of 2020 received a congratulatory letter on their graduation day at 10:00 in the evening, only after having received many complaints by the parents of the graduates.

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Good
Teachers - Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Terrible
School Atmosphere - Good
Administration - Terrible

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See all the information about Greengates School

CityMexico City
CurriculumsIB, British, and International
Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and IB Diploma
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
Reviews: 4.3
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