My kids visit the English Section in the Primary School of the ESM. They are really happy there, the school have many extra curricular activities, their class have 23 students altogether, so it's not that crowded, and they have French as a second language, where there are less than 20 students.
It depends on the Section kids are enrolled in, the classes are really almost private (some sections have 10-15 kids per grade).
There are 7 different sections in Primary School (German, English, French, Spanish, Nederlands, Greek and Italian), where the kids have instruction in the section language, and they study a second language from first year on (French, English or German), around 7 lessons a week, so they become fluent in both languages.
The school environment is international, as all kids play together and share activities between different sections.
In the secondary school (grades 6 to 12) the visit a different campus, in Neuperlach. They choose a third language of instruction (French, English, German, Italian or Spanish).
Kids who do not a have a section of their mother tongue receive anyway classes in their mother language some hours a week (Slovak, Danish, Swedish, Romanian, Portuguese, etc...).
When they finish high school they become the European Baccalaureate.