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Find your International School in Palmela, Portugal

All the key information about the 3 International Schools in Palmela, Portugal and other nearby cities: Extracurricular activies, if teachers are native, class sizes, fees, school bus availability, etc.

International School of Palmela

The International School of Palmela is a non-profit educational institute providing both religious and secular education. The ISP delivers the Cambridge International Curriculum fully recognized worldwide and also an excellent islamic curriculum.
British, Islamic
Language of instruction
5 to 18
This school does not make their fees public.

St. Peters International School

St. Peter’s International School aims to encourage all students develop each of their personal talents and skills, promoting creativity and imagination, international mindedness and respect, so as to ultimately enable each student to reach their objectives and fulfill their goals.
IB, British, Portuguese
Languages of instruction
English, Portuguese
1 to 18
Yearly fees - 2024/2025
from: €6,681
to: €15,520

Seixal International School

Seixal International School is a family school, on a human scale, in which all teachers are teachers of all students and all students are students of all teachers!
Portuguese, British
Languages of instruction
English, Portuguese
3 to 10
This school does not make their fees public.

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