Quick summary of key school information
School details
Number of students |
306 |
Number of nationalities represented in the school |
15 |
Most common nationality |
Most students enrolled at Bluebird are Cambodian. |
Ratio of local students to international students |
15:1 |
Native English speaking teachers |
Yes |
Language support for students not fluent in English |
Yes |
Additional language classes offered by the school |
Khmer, Chinese |
Max. number of students per class |
Average: 16
Average number of students per class |
16 |
Does the school employ teaching assistants? |
Yes |
Use of technology in the classroom |
Bluebird uses a variety of technological resources in the classrooms including smart TVs, projectors, digital microscopes and sound systems. |
Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures) |
Yes |
Do students practice religion at the school? What religion? |
No |
Do teachers assign homework to their students? |
Yes |
Approximate hours of homework given |
20 minutes |
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs |
Not at this time |
Entry evaluation for students |
Yes |
Brief description of entry evaluation required |
From Primary 1 and up students are given an assessment in Khmer and English. |
Deadline for registration (new academic year) |
Open enrollment |
Students can join after academic year begins |
Yes |
School start time |
8:00 AM |
School finish time |
5:00 PM |
Supervised care before/after school |
Yes |
School bus service available |
Not at this time |
School provided lunches |
Yes |
Uniform required |
Yes |
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered |
Chinese, STEAM, Music, Art, Taekwondo |
Sports activities included |
Swimming, Physical Education, Taekwondo |
Facilities at the school |
Library, Exhibition Room, ICT Classroom |
Sports facilities at the school |
Football field, Swimming Pool, Outdoor playground |
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school |
Blueline International School is a leading education provider, specialising in Early Years, Primary and Secondary education. |
Teaching approach of the school |
Blueline International School's aim is to develop global citizens with critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Blueline equips students with the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable learning and growth with a 21st-century mindset. Blueline provides a safe learning environment that is challenging and engaging as well as helping students prepare academically, socially, and morally for the challenges and responsibilities of global citizenship. |