Quick summary of key school information
School details
Number of students |
600 |
Number of nationalities represented in the school |
15 |
Most common nationality |
Cambodian |
Ratio of local students to international students |
20:1 |
Native English speaking teachers |
Yes |
Additional language classes offered by the school |
Khmer, Chinese |
Max. number of students per class |
20 |
Average number of students per class |
15 |
Does the school employ teaching assistants? |
Yes |
Use of technology in the classroom |
Google Classroom integration, Adaptive learning software, Infini-D learning lab, computer lab |
Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures) |
Robust distance learning is offered during COVID-19 campus closures |
Do students practice religion at the school? What religion? |
No |
Do teachers assign homework to their students? |
Yes |
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs |
Limited |
Student access to education psychologist |
By referral |
Entry evaluation for students |
Yes, entrance test and assessment are required before enrollment |
Brief description of entry evaluation required |
Entrance test and behavioural assessment |
Waiting list |
Yes |
Students can join after academic year begins |
Yes |
School start time |
7:45am |
School finish time |
4:30pm |
Supervised care before/after school |
Yes |
School bus service available |
Yes |
School provided lunches |
Yes |
Uniform required |
Yes |
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered |
We offer a wide variety of after school clubs each year such as coding, art, dance, sports and others |
Sports activities included |
Physical education classes, wall climbing, swimming, martial arts and soccer |
Sports teams or sport competitions available for students |
Yes |
Sports facilities at the school |
Sports fields |
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school |
ZISPP is a non-profit school that aims to provide a high-value, high-quality education accessible to students from all walks of life. ZISPP believes that children learn by doing. They should be actively engaged in discovering, exploring, and doing in order to maximize opportunities for learning and growth. |
Teaching approach of the school |
The ZISPP experience is based on mutual respect and personal integrity. All members of the school are expected to honor the rights and dignity of others, to conduct themselves appropriately at all times in a moral and decent manner, to assume responsibility for their choices, and to see this responsibility as an integral part of their lives at ZISPP. |