Quick summary of key school information
School details
Number of students |
50 |
Number of nationalities represented in the school |
14 |
Most common nationality |
Half Thai |
Ratio of local students to international students |
1:3 |
Native English speaking teachers |
Yes |
Language support for students not fluent in English |
Yes |
Additional language classes offered by the school |
Thai, Chinese |
Max. number of students per class |
12 |
Average number of students per class |
10 |
Does the school employ teaching assistants? |
No |
Use of technology in the classroom |
Minimal |
Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures) |
Hopefully never again |
Do students practice religion at the school? What religion? |
Mixed religions amongst student body |
External examinations or assessments available |
Penn Foster and Coursera |
Results in these examinations |
US Nationally Accredited High School Diploma, technical certifications from IBM, Google, and Meta available |
Do teachers assign homework to their students? |
Rarely |
Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation |
Most |
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs |
No |
The school supports gifted, able and talented students |
We accelerate their rate of progress, usually having them graduate early and obtain extra certifications or university credits |
Student access to education psychologist |
No |
Entry evaluation for students |
Yes |
Brief description of entry evaluation required |
Placement exams and verbal english proficiency given in house |
Waiting list |
Not at the moment |
Deadline for registration (new academic year) |
Rolling admissions if space is available |
Students can join after academic year begins |
Yes |
School start time |
Drop off is 8:15-8:45 |
School finish time |
Pick up is 3:00-3:30 |
Supervised care before/after school |
During drop off and pick up times only |
School bus service available |
No |
School provided lunches |
Yes |
Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc) |
Yes |
Uniform required |
No |
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered |
We outsource and partner with the ACG Sports Ground with options for football or rugby, Bangtao Muay Thai and MMA, Z-Coaching for Athletics |
Sports activities included |
Excursions, hiking, and a weekly PE session |
Sports teams or sport competitions available for students |
No |
Facilities at the school |
Library, sports area, open air layout in the front for the younger ones |
Sports facilities at the school |
Limited |
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school |
Life School Phuket provides alternative, adaptive education to children facing the progressive future focused world. LSP speaks with growth minded parents who want to give their children a well rounded education that prepares them for the future. LSP promises an enriching education & experience for children that prepares them for life. LSP adopts small class sizes to ensure child centric and individualised learning. In order to create future ready, confident students who are ready to take on the real world as independent thinkers. |
Teaching approach of the school |
LSP provides alternative education to help children thrive in a progressive and future-focused world. LSP's unique approach to teaching the British Curriculum is organic, fun and relevant, ensuring that your child receives the best possible education. |