Home > Costa Rica > San Jose > Marian Baker School
Ages 3 to 18

Marian Baker School

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CitySan Jose
Leaving qualificationIB Diploma
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
Contact Page:
Social Media:

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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IB Diploma
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 20 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Contact page:

This school does not make their fees public for the academic year 2024/2025.

Address: San José Province, Costa Rica
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 21 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Ratio of local students to international students

55% local : 45% international

Language support for students not fluent in English

English Language Learners

Additional language classes offered by the school


Average number of students per class


External examinations or assessments available

IB Diploma

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Student Support Program

Learning support offered

The Student Support Program is designed to assist individual students with their specific learning needs. It is meant to provide students with the necessary skills and strategies to work at their fullest potential in their least restrictive environment. The Student Support Program perceives each student as an individual with unique learning and academic needs. Teachers provide their students with the environment that fits the individual learning needs to guarantee success. This environment will encourage the students develop their self-esteem, curiosity, and self-awareness.

Entry evaluation for students

Admission testing.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Preschool applicants are tested for cognitive development, fine motor skills and gross motor skills. They are also observed for social and emotional development.
Students applying for KG3 to Grade 12 levels are tested appropriately for mathematics, reading, language usage, writing skills and Spanish.

School start time


School finish time

KG1: 12:30
KG2 - G12: 15:00

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Uniform required


Sports activities included

Outdoor sports field.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students


Sports facilities at the school

Outdoor sports field.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Marian Baker School is a small international English-speaking school educating preschool through high school students. MBS is located on the verdant eastern slopes of the Central Valley overlooking San Jose.

Teaching approach of the school

Marian Baker School recognizes each person as having a unique potential for learning and achievement. MBS challenges its students to strive for academic excellence, encouraging them to be persistent in working towards knowledge and skills in all areas.

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Get in contact with Marian Baker School

This school has not verified their information and contact data and therefore can not be contacted through our database. You can try to contact them directly through their website.

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