Home > Brazil > São Paulo > Brazilian International School
International and Brazilian
Ages 2 to 18

Brazilian International School

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CitySão Paulo
CurriculumsInternational and Brazilian
Leaving qualifications
Languages of instructionEnglish and Portuguese
Age RangeAges 2 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
Contact Page:
Social Media:

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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications
Language of instruction English and Portuguese
Native English and Portuguese teachers
Extra languages (other than English and Portuguese)
Class sizes Average
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Contact page:

This school does not make their fees public for the academic year 2024/2025.

Address: Av. Iraí, 1330 - Planalto Paulista CEP 04082-003 – São Paulo – SP
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 6 sections and 10 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Additional language classes offered by the school


Entry evaluation for students

Admission interview.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

No deadline.

School start time


School finish time

16:15 or 17:15 depending on the grade level

School provided lunches


Sports activities included

Physical education

Sports facilities at the school

Indoor sports court, playgrounds

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

BIS is a school where all the students of the bilingual curriculum become fluent in both English and Portuguese. New students coming from foreign countries learn Portuguese. Similarly, Brazilian students and from countries where English is not spoken will be introduced to the program in order to acquire complete fluency in that language.

BIS is a Brazilian school that offers the very best of Brazilian curriculum. Brazilian culture elements are particularly important and are an active part of the curriculum, among other required subjects. Moreover, it also gives the child the opportunity to be in constant contact with other contents offered in English, so the knowledge and fluency can be expanded in that language.

At the end of the Middle School, BIS guarantees the acquisition of the concepts covered in the subjects of the two languages, in the bilingual curriculum, so the students become effectively bilingual, and fully able to follow the High School at the best Brazilian and international schools.

BIS knows the importance of the foreign language learning in the globalized world, and what it may represent in expanding the cultural horizon of the human being. It is a school that cares about your child from kindergarten through Middle School, fully taking responsibility for the child’s overall education.

BIS has the primary objective to provide the student an avant-garde education, with the goal of fully training, developing the ability, potential, and skills in order to have a responsible and active international citizen.
The pedagogical work is highly qualified, always working to inform and educate.

Teaching approach of the school

BIS has developed a comprehensive bilingual program in both Portuguese and English. During childhood education, the child participates in educational activities whose language of communication is English. The teacher communicates only in that language, making the acquisition of the new language become naturally. From the Elementary School, already literate in English and Portuguese, the students have a curriculum in both languages. The program meets the requirements of the Brazilian Curriculum Parameters (MEC) and bases its bilingual curriculum in the international curriculum, coherent to the socio-constructivist approach of teaching. BIS prepares the students to be able to choose to continue their university studies in Brazil or abroad.

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This school has not verified their information and contact data and therefore can not be contacted through our database. You can try to contact them directly through their website.

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