Home > Brazil > São Paulo > Pan American Christian Academy
American, Christian, and Brazilian
Ages 3 to 18

Pan American Christian Academy

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified
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CitySão Paulo
CurriculumsAmerican, Christian, and Brazilian
Leaving qualifications
Languages of instructionEnglish and Portuguese
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Reviews: 5.0
Contact Page:
Social Media:

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications
Language of instruction English and Portuguese
Native English and Portuguese teachers
Extra languages (other than English and Portuguese)
Class sizes Average 24 students / class
Maximum 24 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Contact page:
Yearly fees: from: R$ 72,198
to: R$ 93,711
Address: R. Cássio de Campos Nogueira, 393 - Cidade Dutra São Paulo - SP, 04829-310, BRA
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  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 9 sections and 25 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

The student body is approximately 25% North American, 30% Brazilian, 35% Asian, and 10% other nationalities.

Ratio of local students to international students

30% Brazilian, 70% international students

Native English and Portuguese speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English and Portuguese

Students in KG1 - KG3 who need assistance in improving their English are eligible for the English Language Learner Program. This involves a computer assisted language-learning program. Eligibility for this program is based on academic progress and teacher recommendation.

Additional language classes offered by the school

Portuguese, Spanish

Max. number of students per class

Our classroom size will vary between 22 to 24 students, depending on class dynamics.

Average number of students per class

Our classroom size will vary between 22 to 24 students, depending on class dynamics.

Use of technology in the classroom

Students are taught to use technology within classroom disciplines and/or in the media centers. The school is committed to maintaining a high level of moral and ethical use with technology. The students will be challenged to become proficient in using technology, to become aware of its nuances, to make Biblically based decision related to this expanding field in the world around them (Romans 12:2, Proverbs 2:6), and to know where it may be used in real world situations.

Do teachers assign homework to their students?


Approximate hours of homework given

Depends on the subject and grade level.

Entry evaluation for students

Entrance/placement test and evaluation.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Kindergarten through High School applicants are required to take the entrance/placement English language proficiency and math evaluations. Pre-school candidates are interviewed to verify their stage of development and educational readiness for the educational program.

School start time

8:05 am

School finish time

3:20 pm

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Uniform required

Uniforms are required for students in preschool through 5th grade. Attire for students in grades 6-12 must be neat, clean, modest and appropriate to the learning environment.

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

National Honor Society, Knowledge Bowl Tournament, Drama Performance, Choir Concert, Musicals, Community Service Activities, Student Government, Softball, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Basketball, Soccer, Indoor Soccer

Sports activities included

Physical education

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students


Sports facilities at the school

Gymnasium, athletic field, swimming pool, outside courts

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

PACA is a Christian, American and Brazilian curriculum school located in the city of São Paulo. All PACA students follow an American program of study, which has been accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (AdvancEd) since 1986.
PACA also offers an optional dual curriculum which is accredited by the Ministry of Education in Brazil. The program allows students to receive two diplomas, American and Brazilian, upon graduation and opens doors for them to study in the best universities in the USA, Brazil or throughout the world. The curriculum is fully transferable, allowing students to move to another American school worldwide with minimum academic disruption.

Teaching approach of the school

PACA develops students with a healthy, well balanced life being taught how to make the right choices, take up life challenges, and contribute towards making an impact on society. PACA Christian educators integrate Biblical truth in all areas of instruction to guide the hearts and minds of students. PACA’s unified, nurturing and comprehensive American-style educational approach enables students to develop their fullest potential, offering a supportive community environment to students and families.

5.0 (based on 1 review) Reviews aren't verified

Get in contact with Pan American Christian Academy

This school has not verified their information and contact data and therefore can not be contacted through our database. You can try to contact them directly through their website.

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