Quick summary of key school information
School details
Number of students |
200 |
Number of nationalities represented in the school |
Huili School Nantong is an international bilingual school located in China's Jiangsu province. It welcomes both Chinese and international students from all around the world. Currently, there are students from more than 10 countries, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, Singapore, South Korea and Kazakstan studying at the school. |
Most common nationality |
China |
Ratio of local students to international students |
Majority of our student population is made of Chinese students from China. |
Native English and Chinese speaking teachers |
Yes |
Language support for students not fluent in English and Chinese |
As an inclusive bilingual school, we provide systematic differential teaching for all students. For students who need extra help with language, we offer additional courses and dedicated teachers to support students' growth. |
Additional language classes offered by the school |
For students who need extra help with language, we offer additional courses and dedicated teachers to support students' growth. |
Max. number of students per class |
24 |
Average number of students per class |
The maximum class capacity is 24 students, and currently, the average class size is between 20-22 students. |
Does the school employ teaching assistants? |
Yes |
Use of technology in the classroom |
We are a modern Apple school, and the use of electronic devices is an important part of supporting learning. In addition to weekly ICT classes, students are allowed to bring their own devices (under campus network supervision) for resource sharing and homework submission. The classrooms are equipped with Maxhub for interactive teaching, and professional audio-visual equipment is also provided in teaching venues such as theaters, providing students with the most advanced technology teaching resources support. All Huili staff have been granted Chat-GPT accounts, which are used as a supplement to teaching resources and a more convenient and efficient work tool. |
Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures) |
Yes |
Do students practice religion at the school? What religion? |
No |
How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion? |
As an inclusive international bilingual school, the religious beliefs of students and families are being accepted and respected. The school also provides corresponding meals according to religious beliefs and customs. |
External examinations or assessments available |
Student assessment at the school is mainly based on internal formative and summative assessments. External exams are mainly in the form of competitions, and students can choose to participate in them on a voluntary basis. |
Results in these examinations |
Student assessment results will be systematically recorded and presented, and each student's learning progress will be detailedly recorded every three months. In a short space of less than two years since inception, the test results of all students in the school have shown significant improvement, especially in English learning. |
Do teachers assign homework to their students? |
Yes, we do. |
Approximate hours of homework given |
Each grade level assigns homework based on the students' daily learning, and helps students consolidate what they have learned and preview new content in a timely manner, provided that the homework is completed within the specified timeframe. For example, for Grade 1&2, we require that each homework assignment should not exceed 20 minutes, and that students should not spend more than 1.5 hours on homework per day. |
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs |
Currently we don't have such programme. |
The school supports gifted, able and talented students |
We welcome diverse students, especially those with talents and gifts, to join Nantong Huili School Nantong. For students with academic, artistic, and athletic talents, the school provides opportunities to apply for scholarships. At the same time, there are ample spaces in daily teaching activities for children to showcase their talents, and professional subject teachers and college guidance teachers are available to help these children maximize their potential and apply to the most suitable universities. |
Student access to education psychologist |
Yes |
Entry evaluation for students |
Yes |
Brief description of entry evaluation required |
For students of different ages and grade levels, we have entrance assessments of varying degrees. For students in G1 and below, the assessment will mainly consist of oral assessments and group tests. For students applying for G2 and above, there will be separate written tests, online tests, and oral assessments, while also considering the student's existing academic level and cognitive potential. For parents, we also arrange communication sessions with the school leadership team to clarify the family's educational philosophy. |
Waiting list |
For grades and classes where individual places are already full or are about to be filled, students who have passed the entrance assessments will be temporarily put onto the waiting list. The offer will be officially sent when the seats are available. |
Deadline for registration (new academic year) |
The registration period usually runs from October of the previous year to May of the following year. |
Students can join after academic year begins |
Yes |
School start time |
8:00 am |
School finish time |
16:45pm |
Supervised care before/after school |
All students are well supervised after entering the campus from 7:45 a.m. to 16:45 before leaving school. The boarding students’ supervise last from every Sunday night to the next Friday afternoon during the academic year. |
School bus service available |
Yes. We have. |
School provided lunches |
Yes |
Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc) |
Yes |
Uniform required |
Yes |
Extracurricular activities or clubs offered |
We provide over 40 extracurricular activities during the weekdays for students to choose from during the academic year. And students can also have academy curriculum and winter camp or summer schools as their options. |
Sports activities included |
We have a lot of physical activities and sports which are included in the school curriculum, such as swimming, soccer, basketball, rugby, field hockey, and badminton. |
Sports teams or sport competitions available for students |
Yes |
Facilities at the school |
We have library, theater, science labs, and our school will also feature an outdoor football field, basketball court, rugby pitch and 400m running track. The sports centre is equipped with a swimming pool as well as volleyball, basketball and badminton facilities. The indoor venues meet the standards for international competitions, providing ample sporting opportunities for our pupils. |
Sports facilities at the school |
Football field, basketball court, rugby pitch and 400m running track. |
Grades/ages available for boarding |
For those who apply for G3 and above are welcome to apply boarding as well. |
Boarding facilities at the school |
Boarding students can enjoy the school's most complete teaching facilities and services during the day, and after the end of the day's study, they can continue to use the classrooms and library spaces in the teaching building for evening study and can use indoor and outdoor sports halls and playgrounds for sports activities. The school nurse and security provide 24-hour on-campus services. The boarding management department also has a professional dormitory management team and a teacher duty team for tuition support, companionship and communication. |
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school |
Our Huili values include the following five aspects: kindness, responsibility, respect, courage, and integrity. The Huili Values encapsulate how we want pupils to act and what we want pupils to embrace. |
Teaching approach of the school |
Huili School Nantong offers a 12-year education covering Primary School, Junior High and Senior High School. Huili School Nantong represents a marriage of Eastern and Western practices and philosophies within the framework of the Chinese national curriculum.