Home > Singapore > Nexus International School (Singapore)
IB and British
Ages 3 to 18

Nexus International School (Singapore) Verified badge.pink.sm

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CurriculumsIB and British
Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and IB Diploma
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IGCSE and IB Diploma
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 16 students / class
Maximum 20 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: SGD $33,144
to: SGD $49,144
Address: 1 Aljunied Walk, Singapore 387293
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 30 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school

Over 60 nationalities

Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

For learners who may need some extra help with their language development, Nexus has Bilingual and Multilingual Language (BML) Specialists who will work with each child, helping them to confidently and accurately communicate in English both socially and academically.

Additional language classes offered by the school

All our learners have the opportunity to learn a second language. French or Chinese is taught through intensive and immersive daily language tuition from specialist speakers. Students who wish to take up Spanish lessons may do so at the IB Diploma level

Max. number of students per class

All classes are staffed to ensure that students enjoy an optimal learning environment. Currently, class sizes are small and the school is committed to a maximum class size in any year of 16 students.

Average number of students per class

The average number of students in each class depends on the year group that the student is in. For example in Nursery and Kindergarten, the average teacher to student ratio is 1 teacher to 16 students (plus 2 Classroom Assistants). In Year 12, the average teacher to student ratio is 1 teacher to 16 students.

Does the school employ teaching assistants?

Yes, we call them classroom assistants at Nexus.

Use of technology in the classroom

Nexus offers a technology-rich learning environment for our learners across our curriculum and co-curricular activities. We are one of the only five Apple Distinguished Schools in Singapore, recognised for our use of technology to inspire creativity, collaboration and critical thinking that spurs continuous innovation.

Across our year groups, learners use iPads and MacBooks to access tools that spark learner engagement and enhance their unique learning journeys. They also use their devices to take notes, collaborate with peers and seek new information. Our campus is also equipped with ViewSonic screens with Airplay compatibility, allowing teachers and learners alike to project their devices seamlessly; this also allows for live-feedback in the classroom.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)


External examinations or assessments available

IGCSE and IB Diploma

Nexus currently offers the following Curriculums: IBDP, IBMYP, IBPYP, IGCSE

Do teachers assign homework to their students?


Approximate hours of homework given

Depends on the subject and year level.

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Yes, we provide in-house Learning Support Integrators that work with children who may require additional help in learning.

Learning support offered

Please refer to this site for more information - https://www.nexus.edu.sg/teachings

Student access to education psychologist

Nexus has two in-house counsellors who provide support to not just learners, but teachers and parents as well. Learners who face personal challenges can expect a listening ear from the counsellors. Teachers who need guidance and advice on handling learners can also seek support. Parents also benefit from the workshops organised by the counsellors in matters relating to helping children.

Entry evaluation for students

For more information about our admissions process, please visit https://www.nexus.edu.sg/admission

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time


School finish time

3 years old: 08:15 - 15:15
7 years old: 08:15 - 15:20
11 years old: 08:15 - 15:20
15 years old: 08:15 - 15:20

School bus service available


School provided lunches

Yes. As Nexus caters to international students, the school works with its partner caterer to serve a wide range of balanced meals to suit different tastes, in its cafeteria.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)


Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Our learners have over 90 CCAs to choose from, and the school is also a full member of the Athletic Conference of Singapore International Schools (ACSIS).

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, the school runs recreational and competitive sports programmes.

Facilities at the school

Air-Conditioned Classrooms, Play Areas/Playground, Theatre Facilities, Music Room, Art Studio, Science Lab, Library, Cafeteria, Drama black boxes, Learning Resource Centre(Library), ceramics studio, First-Aid room with a full time registered nurse, counselling room, playgrounds, Relax areas with tables and chairs in the pod. We also recently just launched the first co-working space within a school campus in Singapore!

Sports facilities at the school

A FIFA and World Rugby specified artificial turf pitch, two playgrounds, an Aquatics Centre with 50-metre swimming pool and state-of-the-art touch pads, wading pool, two air-conditioned gymnasiums equipped with basketball, volleyball, netball, mini-tennis and indoor soccer courts, yoga and weights studios as well as a fitness suite.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Nexus International School (Singapore) is an internationally minded learning community that nurtures and supports every child’s emotional, physical, creative and intellectual needs in order that they can achieve academic success and become globally responsible citizens.

Teaching approach of the school

Nexus encourages its children to see the world from a global perspective. They are taught to become independent through experiences within and beyond the classroom, whilst technology is embedded in the learning process to enhance creativity. In order to achieve this, The Nexus Way was developed as the school's guiding philosophy, adopting the key elements of Mindsets, Relationships, Inclusion, and Innovation.

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Contact the admissions team at Nexus International School (Singapore)