Home > Spain > Toledo > International School San Patricio Toledo
IB and Spanish
Ages 2 to 18

International School San Patricio Toledo Verified badge.pink.sm

CurriculumsIB and Spanish
Leaving qualificationIB Diploma
Languages of instructionEnglish and Spanish
Age RangeAges 2 to 18
Boarding available - Yes
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IB Diploma
Language of instruction English and Spanish
Native English and Spanish teachers
Extra languages (other than English and Spanish)
Class sizes Average 20 students / class
Maximum 25 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: €3,780
to: €13,980
Address: Juan de Vergara, 1 - Urbanización La Legua - 45005 Toledo, Spain

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 40 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students

Total of 550

Number of nationalities represented in the school

More than 20

Most common nationality


Ratio of local students to international students

90.23% of the total student is Spanish

Native English and Spanish speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English and Spanish


Additional language classes offered by the school

Classes in Spanish, English, French and German curricula. Spanish and Chinese in extra.

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

Certified by Google as "GOOGLE REFERENCE SCHOOL"
Use of Chromebook, digital whiteboards and iPad.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

We never stop, we are ready to deliver School Online, we've done it during the lockdown without losing any lessons

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

Yes in PEP, Catholic.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

In PEP always within the values of Christian humanism, in PAI and Diploma is not taught a subject of a specific religion, exists in PAI Individuals and Societies: Religion and Ethics.

External examinations or assessments available

Exams International Baccalaureate Organization and languages (Cambridge, DELE, Goethe and Alliance Française)

Do teachers assign homework to their students?

Yes, understood as individual or group work that the student has to do outside the school with the aim of creating personal work habits, enhance autonomy and learn on the basis of planning and reflection capacity. When teachers propose a task they share with the students the purpose of the proposed realization: to investigate a topic, to bring to the experience content, to strengthen knowledge, to prepare a test or to demonstrate the level of acquired knowledge.

Approximate hours of homework given

They are adapted to the age of the students, their evolutionary needs and to allow time for other activities. The teachers of the same course coordinate to plan the time and the way in which they are going to ask for homework in order to distribute them with criteria throughout the different weeks of evaluation through a calendar.
In Infantile there are usually no tasks, in 4º PEP it is personalized depending on the reading-writing process, in 2º EP and 3º EP no more than 30 minutes, 4º, 5º and, 6º EP no more than 40 minutes, in PAI and Diploma, it is necessary a habit of daily work of study.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation


Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Each student receives individualized attention according to their evolutionary development, learning style and personal characteristics. The tutor along with the Guidance Department develops plans for students with specific needs that are carried by their teachers in the classroom.

Learning support offered

Individualized attention in the classroom, psycho-pedagogical and speech therapy assessments, individualized work plans, curricular enrichments for high capacity students, flexible classrooms, support teachers, language and reading stimulation, specific guidelines for students with learning needs (written tests and homework).

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Scholarships of excellence are offered to new students.

Student access to education psychologist

There is an Orientation Department with three psychologists, trained in emotional intelligence, positive discipline, autodidact, high capacities, in addition to having a speech therapist, trained in primitive reflexes. This Department also carries out a complete program in university orientation.

Entry evaluation for students

Students entering from 5th grade PEP take level tests. For residence students, personality tests are also passed. At all levels, interviews are carried out by the Guidance Department and the Coordinators of the Programmes and Technical Directions.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

Students who wish to enter the San Patricio Toledo International School, once the application for a place has been confirmed by the family and the school, must attend the admission interviews:

a. Admission interviews for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th PEP:

The PEP Coordinator and the corresponding Counselor per course are present.
The family is interviewed to gather information related to the child's psycho evolutionary development and relevant aspects.
With the child is observed, through play, their level of autonomy, attachment, interests, frustration tolerance, fine and gross psychomotricity, behavior and developmental level (verbal and non-verbal communication, motor development, cognitive ...)

b. Admission interviews from 5th to 9th PEP:

The PEP Coordinator and the corresponding Counselor per course are present.
The family is interviewed to gather information related to the child's psyche evolutionary and academic development and relevant aspects (behavioral, social and emotional).
Personal interview with the child to observe his/her communicative level and academic level (reading and writing tests in Spanish, level of English and level of mathematics).
It is necessary to provide recent evaluation reports from the center of origin.

Evaluation Criteria And
Correction of Entrance Tests / Level Tests

Basic competency tests have been developed:

Areas: Mathematics, Language A, Language B.
Aspects to evaluate Communication, thinking and self-control skills.
Resources: Fiches and Book of reading and comprehension of the exercises of the card of mathematics, speaking, listening and writing.

c. PAI and Diploma admission interviews:

Present are the Coordinator of the corresponding programme and the Course Orientor.
The family is interviewed to gather information related to the child's psycho evolutionary and academic development and relevant aspects (behavioral, social and emotional).
Level tests and interview with the student: level tests of English, mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and Spanish Language. Interview with the counselor (observation of the level of verbal and non-verbal communication, personality, social skills, self-concept, motivations, and interests, as well as discarding possible risk behaviors.
It is necessary to provide recent evaluation reports from the center of origin.

Evaluation Criteria And
Correction of Entrance Tests / Level Tests

It should be borne in mind that students come from different educational systems and different learning methodologies.

Basic competency tests have been developed:
Necessary previous contents for the subjects of the course to which it will be incorporated.
Levels of difficulty and complexity in the exercises.
Basic and extended contents that allow the levels of the subject to be demonstrated.
Level tests are established:
Physics and chemistry
Language A: Spanish/English
Language B: English/Spanish
Each test may not exceed 45 minutes.

Correction criteria:

The percentage of contents resolved as an indicator that the student has studied in his school of origin the previous contents required.
Correction of correctly resolved exercises.
Assessment of the exercises solved, however, contains errors.
Analysis of the type of errors that the student makes in the execution of the exercises:
Exercises solved with errors, where these errors indicate that you have basic problems because you do not dominate the contents.
Exercises solved with errors, but in these errors, it is evident that he does not remember the contents, but in the attempt, there are minor errors.
Exercises solved with errors that imply incoherence in the resolution with the raised ones.
In case the entrance is for the Diploma Program and the condition of NOT APPROPRIATE is in physics and chemistry it is recommended in case of entrance to study subjects of group 4: Biology and / or Environmental Systems, because in some educational systems the students do not see physics and chemistry in courses inferior to the Diploma Program and it is very complex to achieve a leveling.
In the case of opting to enter the Diploma Program and depending on the subjects in which the student is interested, it is possible to apply tests in other subjects.


It consists of the necessary contents so that the students can successfully complete the course to which they wish to enter, this Plan is not standard and is defined individually according to the particularities of each student.

Waiting list


Deadline for registration (new academic year)

Whole year. As long as there are vacancies.

Students can join after academic year begins

Depending on the results of interviews and level tests and never in Diploma.

School start time

The general timetable of the school is from 9 AM to 5 PM, with the possibility of a morning and afternoon classroom, extending this timetable from 07:45 to 18:15 and taking into account that the residence students live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except holidays.

School finish time

Please see above.

Supervised care before/after school

Please see above.

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Yes, as long as there is a doctor's prescription to determine it.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

PAI students have the possibility of attending different clubs: mathematics, relaxation, and mindfulness, reading in English and Spanish, study techniques, sports, science.
Also as an extracurricular activity: Art Centre (Music and Dance Programme, Plastic and Dramatic Arts, Cooking Workshop, Languages, Robotics and Sports (tennis, football, basketball, athletics, volleyball, sports gymnastics, rhythmic).

Sports activities included

Within the integral formation of the student, for the development of his autonomy, the leadership of himself, the school gives a special importance to the physical activity and the sports in all the educational levels fomenting a wide programming inside the subject of physical education that includes the swimming, badminton, tennis, gymnastics sports, acro sport, rugby, soccer, athletics, basketball, corporal expression?

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Please see above

Sports facilities at the school

Please see above

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

Please See the educational model.
International school San Patricio Toledo offers a truly transformative learning environment that combines local culture and tradition with a unique international flavour. Our secure campus, boasts first-class facilities both in and outdoor, where our students can flourish at their individual pursuits.

Teaching approach of the school

Please See website.

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