Home > Austria > Vienna > International Christian School of Vienna
IB, American, and Christian
Ages 5 to 18

International Christian School of Vienna Verified badge.pink.sm

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CurriculumsIB, American, and Christian
Leaving qualificationsIB Diploma, AP, SAT, and PSAT
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 5 to 18
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IB Diploma, AP, SAT, and PSAT
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 15 students / class
Maximum 22 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:
Yearly fees: from: €10,428
to: €23,088
Address: Wagramer Strasse 175 / Panethgasse 6a A-1220 Wien, Austria
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School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 42 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality

US and Austrian

Ratio of local students to international students

Around 20% of our students are local.

Native English speaking teachers

Yes. All our English classes are taught by native English speakers and our German as a foreign language classes are taught by German native speakers.

Language support for students not fluent in English

The school has an extensive Student Support Services department that provides English Language Learner instruction for non-native English-speaking students who need to raise their level of academic proficiency in English. Students who require ELL services should apply and enroll as early as possible, as our ELL capacity is limited. All incoming middle and high school students must have sufficient academic English language skills to be eligible for our program. Supplemental Fees are charged for these services.

Additional language classes offered by the school

German for K-12,
IB Spanish in Grades 11 and 12
French, and Mandarin through IB Pamoja in Grades 11 and 12

Max. number of students per class

Kindergarten/Primary: 15 students
1st to 3rd Grade: 18-20 students
4th to 5th Grade: 20 students
6th to 12th Grade: 20-22 students

Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom

ICSV teachers structure their teaching methods around engaging student-centered learning processes. They use educational technology tools, such as NearPod, PearDeck, and Flip that draw students into each lesson. Elementary students are provided with ICSV's Chromebooks and tablets in the classroom as needed. Secondary student must bring their own device to school every day.

Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)

Yes, we offer distance learning when the country is in lockdown.

Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?

All students attend Bible classes, delving into a scriptural approach to ethics, world issues, and the tenants of the Christian faith. However, students do not need to practice religion or come from a Christian background to study at ICSV. All students are welcomed at ICSV, regardless of their beliefs.

How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?

All students complete Bible classes, as part of the curriculum. However, students from all religions are welcomed and accepted at ICSV.

External examinations or assessments available

At ICSV we administer the NWEA MAP Growth Assessment in Grades 1-10, Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4) in Grades 10 and 11 (GL Assessments), PSAT in Grades 10 and 11, WIDA Model in Grades K-12 for students requiring English support only, and the International Baccalaureate Diploma - IB exams. Students have the opportunity to register for either the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or Advanced Placement (AP) exams, both facilitated at ICSV and independently prepared for.

Results in these examinations

For the most recent scores, please check our latest Annual Review booklet available on our website at https://www.icsv.at/about-us/annual-reports

Do teachers assign homework to their students?


Approximate hours of homework given

Elementary School:
An estimated amount of time to be spent on homework each night is:

Primary: 0-10 minutes
Grades 1-2: 0-30 minutes
Grades 3-4: 0-45 minutes
Grade 5: 0-60 minutes
Middle School: An estimated amount of time to be spent on homework each night is 2 hours.

High School: An estimated amount of time to be spent on homework each night should be less than 2.5 hours. Additional homework for high school honors and IB courses is permissible.

Students enrolled in honors and IB classes should expect a heavier homework load, including homework during the summer and over breaks. The teacher will determine homework expectations and communicate those to students and parents.

Homework is not assigned over Fall Break, Christmas Break, Energy Break, or Easter Break.

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation

There are usually 1-2 students who prefer to take a gap year after graduation, the rest attend a higher educational institution after graduating

Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs

Yes, ICSV offers a Learning Support (LS) Program.

Learning support offered

ICSV offers instructional support to students with a variety of mild to moderate learning challenges. Enrollment in the Learning Support Program is based on individual student needs, program capacity, and availability of the required support. Students with diagnosed learning challenges are provided with Individual Learning Support Plans, outlining their specific goals and accommodation needs. Learning Support may also include assistance within the classroom or in a small group setting. On occasion, ICSV is able to provide individualized support via one-on-one time with a learning support professional. Supplemental Fees are charged for these services.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

ICSV provides individualized education, which means the gifts and/or challenges of every student are being addressed individually and corresponding accommodations or modifications can be provided upon consulting with the school administration. This process includes an evaluation of the provided application documentation, and placement test results and if applicable, personal interviews.

Student access to education psychologist

Our Learning Support Department Head and school counselor are available for student questions of all kinds. There are also other educators on staff who are available to be approached by students with their personal questions or concerns. For educational psychologists providing assessments and diagnoses of learning disabilities, our school counselor and Learning Support Department Head refer students out for that service as it lies outside their purview.

Entry evaluation for students

Yes. ICSV has students coming from many different school systems around the world, so all prospective students take an age and grade appropriate Placement Test to help us best determine their academic needs.

Brief description of entry evaluation required

As part of the admissions process, a standardized Cognitive Aptitude Test, known as CAT4, is conducted to evaluate the cognitive skills of applicants and determine their grade level placement. This test cannot be prepared for, and it helps us to place students appropriately. For non-native English-speaking students, an English language acquisition test is administered to assess a student's academic English proficiency in writing, listening, speaking, and reading. Students with identified learning needs may be required complete additional testing, and they will need to provide psycho-educational reports and/or most recent IEPs. This will help us to understand their learning needs and provide appropriate support.

Waiting list

Yes, as soon as we reach capacity in a grade level or in our support programs, students are placed on a waiting list. The waitlist status is valid for a full year from the date families received the ICSV waitlist notification email upon completion of the placement test and positive review of the application. If space does not become vacant within a full year, families may resubmit the application fee to remain waitlisted for another full year. As such, the waitlist status can also roll over to the next academic year if the start of a new school year falls within that time period.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

ICSV has a rolling admissions policy, meaning that applications are processed all year round as long as vacancies are available. Parents are welcome to apply as we accept applications throughout the year. Prospective families who think that a move to Vienna or ICSV may be possible, are encouraged to submit an application in October (10 months) before the upcoming school year. This allows families to gather application materials early.

Students can join after academic year begins

Yes, if capacity allows.

School start time


School finish time


Supervised care before/after school

Yes, students may come to school starting at 7:50 in the morning and be supervised until classes start. Students in Primary through Grade 5 can participate in our After School Care Program from 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM. The program includes indoor activities, time on the playground, homework time, and individually packaged snacks provided by the school. A supplemental fee is charged to cover the costs of After School Care.

School bus service available

ICSV does not offer bus transportation. Parents are responsible for providing transportation for their children. However, ICSV is very well connected to public transportation and is located only a few stations away from the United Nations building in Vienna.

School provided lunches

The ICSV campus has a cafeteria where students can purchase lunch. Students are welcome to bring their own food if preferred.

Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Our school offers vegetarian and non-vegetarian options every week.

Uniform required

No. At ICSV we believe in fostering individuality and promoting diversity among our students. While we do not have school uniforms, students are expected to adhere to our dress code which emphasizes modesty, academic attire, and neatness. This dress code allows our students to express their unique personalities while also maintaining a respectful and appropriate appearance in the school environment. We believe that this approach promotes a positive school culture that values individuality and mutual respect.

Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

At ICSV, we offer various extracurricular activities to enhance our students' learning experiences beyond the classroom. Our clubs and activities change every year to reflect the interests and passions of our students. In Elementary school, students have the opportunity to participate in quarterly clubs that provide enrichment opportunities, athletic development, and more. In the past, we have offered clubs such as chess, running, soccer, global village, and dance. We are committed to providing our students with diverse and engaging extracurricular opportunities that promote their social, emotional, and physical development. Our athletics program includes soccer, basketball, volleyball, track and field, and golf.

Sports activities included

Physical Education (PE) is part of our school's curriculum and is included in the schedule for students. Our PE program provides students with opportunities to develop their motor skills, physical fitness, and teamwork abilities. In addition to our PE program, we offer a variety of after-school sports activities such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, track and field, and golf. These activities provide our students with the chance to develop their athletic skills, engage in friendly competition, and build strong relationships with their peers.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

Yes, at ICSV we offer a variety of sports programs and opportunities for our students to participate in. Our sports teams compete in friendly matches against neighboring international schools in Vienna, as well as in festivals and tournaments as part of the Danube Valley Athletic Conference (DVAC). The DVAC includes teams from international schools in Vienna, Salzburg, Carinthia, Bratislava, and Budapest, providing our students with the chance to compete against other talented athletes from across the region.

We believe that participation in sports teams and competitions promotes teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship, and we are proud to offer these opportunities to our students.

Facilities at the school

Our school building houses 30 classrooms, separated between elementary and secondary classes. In addition to our sports facilities, we have a number of resources available on campus. These include a science laboratory, a computer lab, and a library with both digital and print resources for the students. We also have separate music, art, indoor PE, and weight room, as well as a multi-purpose room which is used for school assemblies, concerts, and chapel.

Our campus also features outdoor facilities, such as an elementary playground, a small soccer field, and a basketball court, providing opportunities for students to engage in physical activity and outdoor play. Finally, we have a cafeteria where students can purchase lunch and enjoy a meal with their peers.

Sports facilities at the school

Our sports facilities include an outdoor soccer field and basketball course as well as an indoor PE and weight room. While our on-campus sports facilities are limited we also rent out other facility locations in the school's district for our secondary after-school sports programs. These additional facilities give our students access to a wider range of sports and activities, including track and field, and golf.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

The International Christian School of Vienna is an international school that values excellence in academic education. The positive classroom atmosphere is a safe environment, promoting students’ learning and growth both emotionally and intellectually.

Teaching approach of the school

ICSV is an international school with a United States-based curriculum.

Modeling faith in Jesus Christ is the desire of each staff member at ICSV. The academic program and learning environment reflect this in many ways. As teachers guide students through rich learning experiences, they also strive to nurture the faith of their students.

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