We believe every child has talent. Our mission is to nurture this talent.
Founded in 1926, we currently host approximately 360 students from around 55 countries. They develop through our founding values: Internationalism, Individualism, integration, and innovation. Our exceptional teachers, small class sizes and extra-curricular learning provide the optimal environment for our students to grow into strong, insightful, compassionate adults
This is the Montana Learning Experience.
- Alexander Biner
Chairman of the Board of Directors
We have organised the information available for this school into 11 sections and 44 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students
Number of nationalities represented in the school
Most common nationality
Ratio of local students to international students
Native English and German speaking teachers
Language support for students not fluent in English and German
Additional language classes offered by the school
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Chinese
Max. number of students per class
Average number of students per class
Does the school employ teaching assistants?
Use of technology in the classroom
All classrooms come equipped with a powerpoint presenter, computer, and beamer
Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)
Yes, we use the E-nstitut Montana Hybrid schooling run on Microsoft 365 and Teams
Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?
It is dependent on the student themselves.
How does the school accommodate non-religious students or students of a different religion?
We try to accommodate all different needs case by case.
External examinations or assessments available
Swiss Bilingual (DE/EN) Primary School Certificate and Swiss Bilingual (DE/EN) Secondary School Certificate, Swiss Matura (accredited by Canton Zug), CLSP Certificate, IGCSE Certificate, IB Diploma, High School Diploma, IB Certificates.
Results in these examinations
In 2024, we had a 99% pass rate of our students who completed the Swiss Gymnasium academic pathway and earned the Swiss Matura.
In 2024, our students who completed the IB Diploma Programme had the following results:
Pass rate: 100%
Highest score: 43 (out of 45)
Average score: 32
Do teachers assign homework to their students?
Approximate hours of homework given
Students have a daily, supervised study time of two hours. If needed, they can ask for extra supervised study time.
Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation
Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs
We are not a special needs school but we can evaluate if we are able to offer extra support upon accessing the student's learning profile.
Learning support offered
In-class support teachers, after-class care and tutoring as well as extra support where seen fit.
The school supports gifted, able and talented students
We challenge our exceptional students with advanced class or grade placements, extracurricular programmes, the Student Council and flexibility within the rules and regulations. We also offer a complimentary Subject Atelier for specific subjects which happens every afternoon.
Student access to education psychologist
Every student has a class advisor assigned to them in order to discuss academic and personal development. There is also a student support team which includes a psychologist that students can visit voluntarily.
Entry evaluation for students
Brief description of entry evaluation required
We need to see report cards from the previous two years so that we can best advise the school and programme and the support that may be required for the student. Perspective students need to complete a CAT4 Test for cognitive abilities and language assessment for English to enter our International School or a language assessment for German to enter our Swiss High School.
Waiting list
Yes, classes are limited to 15 students and we apply nationality quotas to ensure our community remains international.
Deadline for registration (new academic year)
We accept applications on a rolling-basis, however, we do have limited spaces available to ensure small class sizes. Thus, it is recommended to apply as soon as possible.
Students can join after academic year begins
Yes but we recommend to start at the beginning of each semester
School start time
8:15 am
School finish time
3:10 pm
Supervised care before/after school
Yes, with co-curricular activities and supervised study time.
School bus service available
Yes, but only in certain areas that are not covered by public transport.
School provided lunches
Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)
Menus are varied and nutritious food prepared in our own kitchen. Our students and staff enjoy daily meals that include breakfast, cocoa breaks, lunch, afternoon breaks, and dinner. We combine served and buffet-style options, offering cuisine from different countries and eating styles, including vegetarian dishes. There is always something for everyone.
Uniform required
Only in the Bilingual Primary School, until grade 6 and for excursions and physical outdoor programme.
Facilities at the school
Library, Science Lab, Music Room, Art Studio, Yoga Studio, Incubator/Engineering Room, Auditorium, Study Spaces, Photography Studio, Newsroom
Sports facilities at the school
Gym, football pitch, beach volleyball, two outdoor basketball courts, futsal, two tennis courts and fitness rooms.
Grades/ages available for boarding
10 years old and older
Boarding facilities at the school
• Comfortable single or double rooms
• Spaces to dine, study, meet, play, relax, socialize
• Offices, Media Centre, study hall, fitness area, aula for events and conferences
• Classrooms for art, science, technology, economics, laboratories
• Chalet Suisse where we have our engineering lab studios, art, newsroom, yoga room
• A football pitch, tennis courts, beach volleyball court and basketball courts, mountain bike downhill course; and winter pass-times - sledging run, cross-country circuit and beginner slope ski lift
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school
Our Swiss and international programmes share the same approach to excellence. They are centred on understanding the learning needs of each student. We help them learn how to study well - it is not just a matter of how many hours you spend with your books - it is developing an intellect that processes and understands information. With that comes a joy of learning that will bring out the full potential in each learner and help them achieve their goals.
Our different pathways also contribute to the lively diversity in our school. Local Swiss students making friendships without borders and pursuing their dreams with an International Baccalaureate; young people from all over the world and their Swiss classmates focussing on the Swiss Matura. All of them growing into global citizens.
Teaching approach of the school
At the heart of our vision is the Montana Learning Experience. This is a learning experience inside and outside the classroom for every Montana student. Its key components are:
• The experience of living and learning in an international community
• High quality teaching from dedicated teachers
• A rich and varied co-curricular programme: performing arts, technology, sports, leadership opportunities, and more
• Attention to individual learning needs to encourage intellectual confidence and curiosity
• Healthy intellectual and emotional growth promoted by being treated as a valued individual
• The opportunity to find talents and to explore them fully
• Learning initiatives and targeted support to encourage healthy behaviours and emotional well-being
The results - Montana students are:
• Open-minded citizens of the world
• Clear-thinking problem solvers
• Communicators able to express their thoughts using a range of media
• Creative, imaginative, curious
• Able to engage constructively with society and to make a positive difference
• Life-long learners
We are “My Place to Grow”
Our Location
Our campus is more than a school, it can be your mountain home!
Institut Montana is quite unique. In a land where other international schools also enjoy the peace and beauty of Switzerland, our location stands out.
We are on a pre-alpine mountain, the Zugerberg, surrounded by forests and meadows. We benefit from the freedom of the countryside, fresh air and safety. Yet, we have easy access to the vibrant city of Zug and connections with the world through the international hub, Zurich.
Some say you can't have it all. Our campus on the Zugerberg says otherwise. And did we mention the breath-taking views over Lake Zug where, in summer, we can swim and row? It's very special and we make the most of it.
Our Classes
With an average of 10 students per class and a maximum of 15, we optimise support for each student. Small classes enable teachers to form a meaningful connection with each student, allowing for a deeper understanding of their unique academic needs.
Our Academic Pathways
Our Swiss programmes, in accordance with the decentralised Swiss education system, are based on the framework provided by the Canton of Zug. We adapt them to the context of our school and offer an international approach that includes bi-lingual (English and German) tracks. Individual and personalized approach to learnings and personal mentoring are given to our small class sizes (average 8-10 students) to ensure students reach their full potential. The goal of our International School is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, highly respected by the world’s leading universities.
Please explore our academic programmes below to learn more.
Bilingual Primary School
A fun-filled language immersion classroom following the national Swiss Lehrplan 21, accredited by the Canton of Zug.
Children arrive at our primary school speaking either German or English. Through bilingual education and immersive classes in two languages, the become confident in both. They follow the Swiss primary curriculum that integrates traditional school subjects into a programme of exciting learning and exploration and encourages the use of technology across school subjects to develop digital literacy skills. Motivation is kept high with project-based learning, outdoor education and opportunities to present their achievements to an audience. Our key focus is to develop critical thinking skills, collaboration, confidence and kindness.
Bilingual Secondary School
Bilingual Education with a strong foundation
With a level of individualised care hard to find elsewhere, our secondary school provides an important step between primary and high school. There are many young people who benefit from a nurturing environment where they can explore ambitions and develop skills. Perhaps they need to improve their English or German to follow an IBDP or Swiss Matura course. Or they want to investigate options that take them towards a prestigious hotel school or an apprenticeship. It uses modern, motivating skill development strategies, innovative teaching methods like experiential learning, small groups, and independent study with teacher mentors, so that students can achieve their aspirations.
The Bilingual Secondary School follows the national Swiss Lehrplan 21, accredited by the Canton of Zug.
International School
Opening minds to a world of opportunity
Our international school welcomes students from all over the world, including Switzerland. They are part of a lively learning community working towards globally recognised qualifications. We offer the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme (CLSP) and the Cambridge IGCSE. Our students’ ultimate goal is the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or a High School Diploma, but there are rich learning experiences and many adventures along the way. We take a holistic approach to learning and development, as we believe that overall well-being - both physical and emotional - is important for academic success. Our teachers are highly skilled and passionate educators. They guide students through the curriculum according to their individual learning needs, and so help everyone to discover where their talents lie.
Swiss Gymnasium in an international environment
Renowned for its academic rigor and broad subject base, students who achieve the Matura are granted admission to universities throughout Switzerland and can apply to other higher education institutions all over the world. Small classes, focused on individual learning needs, and a supportive approach that attends to the well-being of all students. The learning environment is multi-cultural with international classmates. They become proficient in languages, learning English, German and French, and can choose the bilingual Matura to become fluent in both English and German. We offer both the Langzeitgymnasium (long-term Gymnasium) and Kurzzeitgymnasium (short-term Gymnasium) programmes, accredited by the Canton of Zug.
Sports & Outdoor Activities
The learning that leads to diplomas or Maturas is not everything. It is best supplemented by learning activities that are inspiring in their own right.
Students develop motivation to learn for the sake of learning, and that stays with them for life. So, co-curricular activities are more than an add-on or entertainment; they are central to the life of the school. Along the way, our young people often find talents they never imagined they had. They have the opportunities to learn and grow into confident, accomplished adults, adopting a healthy approach to life and developing skills for the future.
Being active is crucial for physical and mental health. We want our students to find what motivates them to stay fit and energised. With various options that change regularly, there’s something for everyone.
Boarding Facilities: Your home away from home
Your children will be warmly welcomed into a happy, multi-national, family-like community and cared for by experienced house parents.
Their lives will be full of fun and learning, in an environment that is safe and loving. Children need different types of support as they mature, so we adapt our programmes so that students develop into self-responsible, confident and kind people. We have three houses, two for boys and one for girls. Single/double accomodation. Each bedroom comes fully furnished with a bed, wardrobe, desk, chair, and small refrigerator, and we offer laundry service.
On weekends, our boarding students explore Switzerland, its culture and its magnificent landscape with regular visits to ski resorts during the winter. Evenings are opportunities to wind down, but there is also a programme of activities to keep everyone busy.
Summer Camp
Summer camp is about combining learning with fun. Mornings are dedicated to language classes in English or German. Students improve dramatically to be able to communicate confidently in their foreign language. Afternoon workshops make learning fun. Our approach is ‘learning by doing’ to inspire young people in business and entrepreneurship, science and technology, creativity and the arts. Evenings are filled with activities such as dodge ball, trivia night or karaoke, or simply around a bonfire in a meadow surrounded by new friends. Our motto: Learn. Grow. Move. Meet
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