Ages 4 to 18


Colegio Nueva Granada Verified

3.7 (based on 3 reviews) Reviews aren't verified

Average Rating

Breakdown of the average rating
Overall opinion - Very Good
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Very Good
Facilities - Good
School Atmosphere - Good
Administration - Good
Based on 3 reviews. Reviews aren't verified
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3 reviews for Colegio Nueva Granada - (Reviews aren't verified )

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Showing 1 review by parents and students.


- Average
August 26, 2022
- Average

CNG hires teachers internationally therefore they have great teachers. Local stuff also polite mostly but due to cultural differences and different mentality some things are not what you expect although it’s an international school mainly following US school standards. If you have a child with special medical needs you have to stay on top of it and frequently communicate with the medical staff. Their negligence or lack of education almost brought our family to tragedy. Thankfully my child safe and with us. After what happened to our child, the school Principal or the President of the school none of them contacted us to ask about the situation and didn’t even try to show any efforts so this doesn’t happen again. They are out of touch. Horrible leadership. We had to initiate meeting to follow up on what happened so they know what to do to avoid this happening in the future by provi... read full review

Breakdown of rating
Overall opinion - Average
Teachers - Very Good
Academics - Good
Facilities - Terrible
School Atmosphere - Average
Administration - Terrible

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See all the information about Colegio Nueva Granada

Leaving qualificationsUS Diploma, AP, SAT, and ACT
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 4 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
Reviews: 3.7
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