Home > Slovenia > Ljubljana > British International School of Ljubljana
Ages 3 to 18

British International School of Ljubljana Verified badge.pink.sm

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Leaving qualificationsIGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 3 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications IGCSE and A-Levels
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 17 students / class
Maximum 20 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:

This school does not make their fees public for the academic year 2024/2025.

Address: Cesta 24. junija 92 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče Slovenia
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  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 40 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school


Most common nationality


Ratio of local students to international students

35% local to 65% international

Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

English as an Additional Language

Additional language classes offered by the school

French, Slovenian, German

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Use of technology in the classroom


Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)


Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?


External examinations or assessments available

IGCSE, A Levels

Results in these examinations

88% A*-C IGCSE, (UK average 68%), over 50% A*-C at A Level

Do teachers assign homework to their students?


Approximate hours of homework given

It differs depending on age

Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation


Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs


Learning support offered

Special needs department led by a SENCo. 2 full time SEN teachers.

The school supports gifted, able and talented students

Early entry IGCSE entry and additional challenge in the classroom

Student access to education psychologist

Yes, through external referral

Entry evaluation for students

Students sit a CAT4 test, which may be taken before or after entry. We are a non-selective school.

Waiting list

Certain year groups can have a waiting list depending on student numbers at the time.

Deadline for registration (new academic year)

There is no deadline, we accept students throughout the year.

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time


School finish time


Supervised care before/after school

Extended supervision is provided on certain days and for certain year groups. For early years students we run extended supervision Mon-Fri until 16.30.

School bus service available


School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)

Yes, for some requirements.

Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Homework club, Model United Nations, choir, gardening, drama club, book/library club, board games, chess, young scientists club, volleyball, football, yoga, geography, photography, psychology, movie making, art and crafts, orchestra, newspaper, gaming, quiz club, running, science club. We also offer externally provided music lessons after school 3 days per week.

Sports activities included

Tennis, badminton, volleyball, gym exercises, basketball, swimming. Primary students are offered a summer residential trip which includes sporting activities. Secondary students can attend an Adventure Days trip which offers kayaking and other water based activities (weather dependent). We also have a fully equipped playground with exercise and play equipment, and a basketball and football area.

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students

We offer after school sports clubs in our off site sporting facility which can lead to teams playing against other local schools.

Facilities at the school

Library, specialist science labs, robotics suite, creative art studio, 300sqm performance theatre, music practice rooms, assembly hall, canteen.

Sports facilities at the school

For sports, BISL students have the privilege to use the state-of-the-art facilities of Ludus Sports Park, a short two-minute walk away, housing a large indoor gym, changing facilities, and various indoor and outdoor courts, including volleyball, basketball and tennis, ideal for all our physical education needs.

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

As an Outstanding school, the British International School of Ljubljana offers a traditional British education in Slovenia, with a personalised approach to learning, enabling each child to achieve beyond their perceived potential. Following the English National Curriculum, BISL currently welcomes students aged 3 to 18 from over 35 different countries.

Teaching approach of the school

BISL believes that a child can only reach his or her full potential in an environment which identifies and develops his or her individual learning needs. The curriculum creates practical, creative problem-solvers, who are aware of differing points of view and the benefits these differences offer.

BISL students enjoy learning, inquiring and caring for others around them. Students are immersed in a multicultural environment that focuses on international and local learning needs, views and opinions.

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Contact the admissions team at British International School of Ljubljana