Home > Georgia > Tbilisi > QSI International School of Tbilisi
Ages 2 to 18

QSI International School of Tbilisi Verified badge.pink.sm

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  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages
Leaving qualificationsAP and SAT
Language of instructionEnglish
Age RangeAges 2 to 18
Yearly fees: Not public
Social Media:

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Quick summary of key school information

Leaving qualifications AP and SAT
Language of instruction English
Native English teachers
Extra languages (other than English)
Class sizes Average 11 students / class
Maximum 15 students / class
Extracurricular activities
School bus
School's webpage:

This school does not make their fees public for the academic year 2025/2026.

Address: Village Zurgovani 0126 Tbilisi, Georgia
Is this school a perfect match for you?

Tell us your preferences and we’ll calculate your compatibility.

  • Based on 10 different criteria including price and location
  • Fees personalised to your childrens’ ages

School details

We have organised the information available for this school into 10 sections and 30 questions. Click or tap on the name of each section to read more.
Number of students


Number of nationalities represented in the school

25 different nationalities

Most common nationality

United States

Ratio of local students to international students

Local 25%, %75 others

Native English speaking teachers


Language support for students not fluent in English

Intensive English classes are offered to all students that need additional help with English.

Additional language classes offered by the school

French, Russian, Spanish, or Georgian

Max. number of students per class


Average number of students per class


Does the school employ teaching assistants?


Is the school ready to use virtual classrooms when needed? (e.g. teaching lessons online if the school is closed, e.g. during COVID-19 closures)


Do students practice religion at the school? What religion?


External examinations or assessments available


Percentage of students who pursue further education post-graduation


Dedicated staff/programs for students with special learning needs


Entry evaluation for students


Deadline for registration (new academic year)

No deadline. QSI has a rolling admission

Students can join after academic year begins


School start time


School finish time


School bus service available


School provided lunches


Food alternatives for special dietary needs (ie. vegan, kosher, halal etc)


Uniform required


Extracurricular activities or clubs offered

Speech & Debate Club
Math & Science Clubs
Art Club
Student Council
National Honor Society
Roots & Shoots
Community Service Club
Drama Productions
Eco-School Green Flag Committee
Chess Club

For Elementary (5YO-10YO)
Chess Club
Arts & Crafts
Homework Club
Math Games Club
Stretching Club
Sports & Games
Drawing Perspectives
Reading Club
Capture the flag
Folk tale Illustration
T-Ball & Others

Sports activities included

Track & Field
Cross Country
Strength and Conditioning
Table Tennis

Sports teams or sport competitions available for students


Sports facilities at the school

Gymnasium, Soccer Field, Playground, Track, Tennis Court

Qualities and characteristics best defining the school

QSI International School of Tbilisi, a private nonprofit institution that opened in September of 1995, offers high-quality English language education for students from two years through eighteen years of age. The primary purpose of the school is to meet the needs of children of foreign and local residents in Tbilisi who require this type of education with a view to continuing their education in their home countries with a minimum of adjustment challenges. In addition to its scholastic goals, the school endeavors to provide its students with knowledge of the country and culture of Georgia. The school is fully accredited in the United States by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

Teaching approach of the school

The academic program uses a Performance-Based/Mastery Learning approach to learning. This model ensures mastery of specific skills and knowledge involving both individual and group instruction. The educational philosophy is founded upon the premises that:

1. All students can succeed.
2. Success breeds success.
3. It is the responsibility of the school to provide the conditions for success.

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